Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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adrijan88 application - Eir Osk of the North[Declined: Expired- Yoda/Baron]

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24 M Australia, Melboure

The idea behind my application is pretty simple. I'm gonna run north of Wintermourne Eyrie, pretty far north. I'll give it a good half hour of running. Gonna find a nice tree and set up a relatively hidden home. My business is my own, until RP says its time to become more visible. Obviously mods can check on me whenever the hell they want, but the general idea is to remain relatively hard to find for anyone without special powers.

He'll basically have an epic, theologically fueled war with himself. Don't want to say much more. I'll notate the RP and script it for a later project.

Anyway, that's the motivation.

I've done this before on different scales. Never with minecraft, though. Anyway, big fan of fantasy (lotr, grrm are favourites) and have played on several RP servers on wow. They're shit, though.

Just an excerpt from an unfinished idea. I figure I don't need to warn about violence on an RP fantasy server? Just in case, if you're sensitive to a bit of gore and pretty adult themes (also, curses), skip on.
The stench of rot and shit permeated the air like a disease through the icy mist. Thomas barely kept down the vomit as he trenched through the field of corpses and dying men. Moans, screams and groans pierced the morning mist, like roosters upon dawn. Around him lay the ruins of an old Hermian castle, of Lord Herman VII. Their house had been an old blood one, but the night had seen their blood seeping through the paving and mixing with the mud. The skirmish had resulted in the deaths of some ten dozen royalists.

Thomas let out a angry snort as he trudged through the cold. These men were not redbloods. They were farmers, and blacksmiths. Potters, butchers, and even drunks; townfolk.

And yet beyond the pity that Thomas felt for the families of the men that littered the battlements, lay pride. This counted for Thomas’ fourth siege in less than six months. Treeless Hill had toppled first, a small keep just outside the Thicket. The second had been a fishing village at the mouth of the Thou River. It was poorly kept, and the small band of guards quickly submitted to Thomas’ force of three thousand well-armed warriors. There were in fact, only six deaths – a fact Thomas took solace in.

The Black Tower fell just as quickly, though with greater casualties. The dozen archers that kept the tower had distinguished themselves as seasoned soldiers, despite their swift demise. They had cost the rebellion some one hundred of their own.

But last night’s battle had cost them much more than that. About a third of his three thousand man army had perished in the night trying to take the fort, kept by no more than two hundred men. It had been the oil that ended the soldiers he had sent to man the batterram. Without ladders to climb the walls, or catapults to break them, Thomas had been forced to hammer down the gate. With shields he had been able to protect the men from archers, but boiling oil he could not stop. It seeped through the gaps in the wood and melted the skin from the men. And when they died, archers shot fiery arrows onto their corpses, lit them afire and presented a wall of flame for the battering ram to navigate through. Their anguished screams still echoed in his ears. He shivered.

But his men were resolute, and whenever one died another took up his position along the ram. By first sunlight, the corpses had begun to mount. But the gate broke eventually, and when it did – the siege was complete. He had personally led the storm into the great courtyard and severed the heads of the defenders.

Many had surrendered, and for that he had pardoned them, but the royals had to die. And their deaths had to be showcased. Thomas did not look forward to the day’s events. Scheduled first were the children. Six boys and two girls. Then all family of blood, cousins, uncles and aunts. And finally, at the break of noon, the town would watch Lord Herman and his wife hang from the battlements.

Thomas did not liking killing babes. He hated the thought of it, in fact. But the Commune had decided before the siege that it was in the rebellion’s best interests to end all royal bloodlines. Thomas understood and agreed with the logic, but hated it all the same.

He turned back to the keep, aware suddenly that the sun was bright above the horizon. Soon, the battlements would reek of death and the crows would come to feast.
‘We’re all food for the crow, ‘ he thought.
“WARCHIEF!” A voice called from the Keep’s gates. Thomas saw a man of great height and the shoulders of an ox waving his oversized hands above his head as he bellowed. “There are news.”

The giant was Mort. Thomas’ most valued captain. Mort had led his vanguard countless times, and with every man he slew, the legend of the giant grew. Campfire whispers told his axe had tasted the blood of a thousand men and that no axe had tasted Mort’s. Thomas did not altogether doubt that, but beside brute strength, Mort knew battle like no other man and his eyes shone with a dangerous intellect. He was a trusted advisor during Communes and one of the earliest to have joined the resistance.

“What has passed, giant?” Thomas asked of his captain as he approached.
“Two of the eldest children are missing. They cannot be found.”
Thomas was dumbstruck, but kept the giant’s gaze. He had surveyed the capture himself. He had personally locked the chains. A dozen of his best armsmen kept guard.
“So the guards are dead, or have been brought and will die.” Thomas noted, “but the chains were steel. I have the keys. It would have taken hours for them to cut through the links.”
“Aye,” Mort nodded, “but they didn’t cut through the chains, they cut through their arms.”
Thomas coughed, and laughed grimly.
“No jest? Did they take their hands with them?”
“No. They left them, with the coals that sealed their wounds.”
“Very well. Ice the hands. We have a delegation of fingers to send out. These redbloods are fucking crazy."
It ain't the best, but I think it qualifies. I like relatively modern speak, even in old fantasy structures. Obviously, it is modified to suit with the age and culture, but language doesn't transpose well over time. For example, sod it was as rude as f*** it a long time ago, but the impact of the statement is lost when you tell someone to sod off (in most of the world, anyway). I'll try to mimic Martin's style in Game of Thrones in that sense.

What do I want?

Ummm.. basically, I'd really like a small space of awesome land way far, far, far north of Wintermourne Eyrie with permissions to mine and craft. I won't make it look shite (will mostly be hidden anyway), and I won't meddle with anyone unless they come looking for me. And even then, not violently... maybe.

I've read the tome, the survival guide and agree to your terms and conditions. I'm reading the wiki as well. Though I cannot find a command list anywhere.

Also, I'm pretty scrub at minecraft. Doesn't stop me from being creative though, and that'll improve quickly.


Lord of Altera
You should include the questions and cover up the language; other than that, I think you doing well!



But language is beautiful! Ok. Fixed. I've pretty much covered every question, except for what I added just then.


Loyal Servant of Altera
You may want to do it in the proper format-
1. What is your minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
3. What gender are you?
4. What country do you live in?
5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?
5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?
6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction; roleplay as your character in a situation of your choice.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are in 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

11. How did you find out about our server?

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)


A few tips: First, try to remove your street language, ("gonna" etc.) Second, its easier for people like yoda to approve you if you follow the pre-made template, its there for a reason. You seem to have put a fair bit of work into getting whitelisted. Good luck and make sure you consider all of the previous suggestions. Hope to see you on soon!!!


All good and true advice, and duly noted. Is this application pending my compliance with that question template?


Loyal Servant of Altera
All good and true advice, and duly noted. Is this application pending my compliance with that question template?
I doubt it, the application makes it much easier to view for the mods.
I'd suggest using the template. Thanks :D


Retired Staff
Nobody else seems to have mentioned this, but the Northern Kingdoms are heavily protected and blocks can't be moved unless you're a member of a claimed region, and even then they can only be moved within that region. It costs 100,000 Radiants to become a Noble and claim your first plot of land, and every subsequent plot in that region costs 2,500 Radiants.

And yeah, please use the template.
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