Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Aeiouqueen - application [Declined- solus]

1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?20. Soon to be 21.

3) Where are you?The Uk.

4) Have you read our guides yet?Yes.

5) Introduce yourself!My name is Rebecca, and though I do not currently work or study, I have recently applied for a job doing creative media and digital graphics design, both of which I enjoy. I have a few hobbies, such as writing, reading, gaming (need it be said?) and LARPing.
Other games I play include FFXIV, various others in the FF franchise, and any that fall into the category of rpg.
I have always enjoyed the fantasy aspects of rpg games, but more than that, I prefer not to say.

6) Got any examples of your work?I do not usually link my own writing, but you can find the most part of it at this link.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?Not much, because it would give me more of a way of making it seem like my rpc knows little to nothing about this world. Perhaps a new comer?


About your character:

Name: Sara (thought her full name is Saran'ia)

Age: 16-18 (though she is closer to 17. Her people don't really focus on age, preferring to measure ones wisdom.)

Race: (Honestly, it looks like Elf will fit in better here, though she is a voidling, if such a thing is allowed.)

Appearance:Pale hair and pale eyed, like the majority of her people, she wares robes that were handed to her at her aug nation as one of the Pillar of Creation's guards.

The test
She had expected them to come with the night, but in the void, that was difficult in the eternal darkness, so instead, they came with the storm.
The soundless abyss, spanning the distance between the parts of the void that hardly ever saw darkness and the parts that were drowned in darkness, day or night, had convectional currents to make geographers weep in awe; indeed it had, when their beloved city had arrived here; and as a result,. it could engender storms of gigantic proportions.
When she first heard the thunder, she had thought to herself, This is it. Zeolix has found us and we're all going to die. When death didn't come, she rolled over on the bed and looked out of the warded window, just in time to see a large shadow pass it. She repeated her earlier thought, but with more cursing. And when the dust clouds rolled in like something from a bizarre time travel event, speeded up to give the impression of days taking hours, she practically got down on her knees and confessed to the deity of her race and asked to be absolved of her sins. Please, the Old Ones made me do it.
The failure of the end to come was made no less dramatic by the sudden drop of temperature; so much so that the fire place ignited; by the roaring winds that sent sparks flying off the shield protecting the city from the void air, and the lightning that stabbed down at the ward as though hating every critter that dared believe it was safe by the wards.
Then, when the black dust clouds had spilled across every inch of the sky and the winds were screaming for blood, when the storm deity above was rasing thunder with the entire pantheon cheering him on and when the lightning god in his small jail had been told to let rip - then there came the rain. She sidled out of her bed, not quite sure she believed her eyes. It struck the shield with so much force that soon the entire dome of magic around the city was lit with green flame that sparked and hissed and flashed with each drop that stuck. The winds tore over the shield, nails across sandpaper, the rain shot pins into it, and above the sleeping city, the lightning continued to dance, a mob-handed chorus line trying to upstage the lead. The thunder made a brave retaliation, but against the darkness, and the wind, and the rain, and the lightning, it stood no chance.
Sara heard someone laughing. It was her. She tried to hold it in - then laughed again, and again, and went on laughing. If the end had come, she might as well go down with a grin and a flourish
The door opened, but she ignored it. She stood with her hands in the pockets and watched the storm, feeling better about everything than she had for a long time. It was exhilarating to see all that power, and know that it was nothing to do with the weavers.
"Sara," said Ashen'ia behind her, "Don't be offended by this, it's just a precaution."
"Brother mine, it'd take a lot to offend me right now."
"Good," said Ashen'ia, as his companions pulled the blindfold over her eyes, shutting out the storm and plunging her once more into darkness.

If there is anything here that needs further explaining, please feel free to contact me via skype. My skype user name is Aeiou.queen
Thank you, and I hope to get in contact soon.



object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hello- Unfortunately we don't have Voidlings as a Race available. I'd like you to read the Race Lore and the History of Altera to have a good look through which Race is more appealing to you to play and a good overview of the Setting of the world. That means you may need to re-write the Test as well- as this one leans on a setting/theme not Lore-Approved. I'll have a look through once you've updated.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Declined due to inactivity. Re-apply with issues fixed.