Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alexander Avenger Aldar (Avenger88)


Name: Alexander Avenger Aldar


Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Hair: Long wavy brown hair with amber shades

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: Light pink, just a typical human skin

Identifying Marks:
He has a vertical scar in the face, from the left eye to the bottom of the cheek, caused by an accident; his hands are worn from hard alchemy work and exploration.

Avenger is a thin man, not for athletics, but his presence still evokes respect. His aura is clear for the great intelligence in his possession. His gaze is intense and deep, and very analytical. His walk, sometimes precarious, at first glance seems to belong to an insecure and inexperienced young, but a more careful eye understands that it is only the result of years of Stakhanovite study and strong emotional tests that have put a strain on his youth.

Regardless of his appearance, Avenger is very good at exploring; especially he loves to roam remote areas in search of unknown places that can hide ancient secrets. He is a scholar, and his intelligence is his real strength: he has read many books in his life, and loves to translate ancient manuscripts full of mysterious sentences. Avenger also likes to take various alchemical experiments, although they could be very dangerous.

Weaknesses and fears:
For Avenger, the real fear is the failure. He cannot afford to fail in his research, and when it happens he falls into a state of deep depression, from which comes only through the will to do even more advanced research. He also hates to sail, really hates it, as much as he hates spiders. The latter especially is a big problem when he ventures to hidden and unknown places. Eventually, he is not very good at talking; too much time spent on books has prevented him to learn the correct way to speak with other people.

Religion and cults:
The real god for Avenger is only one: the thirst for knowledge. He worships the research, even without a more important purpose, simply for its own sake.

Avenger is a scholar and an explorer, able to orient in many dangerous places, and he have a particular luck in finding hidden areas. He is also an alchemist, able to create some useful things. Finally, he is able to build some basic buildings, just for survival in unknown places.

Avenger, like his father, is a scholar. He spent all of his life with Darius, his father, wandering around in search of ancient mysteries and precious artifacts, trying to quench his thirst for knowledge. For this reason, he spent most of his time reading and translating books and manuscripts, without talking; even now sometimes he talks in a little bit inarticulate manner. His life was easy when Darius was still with him; but all changes one day, when Avenger was 20. The two were in search for an ancient manuscript buried within an abandoned temple, full of dangerous traps. And Avenger fell in one of these lethal traps: a one filled with poisonous giant spiders. Darius, in his obsession for knowledge, abandoned his son into this deadly place, regardless of the cries of Avenger. He finally found this invaluable manuscript, and left the temple without remembering his trapped son. But eventually, the tireless Avenger manages to escape from the trap, and reached his father outside the temple; but immediately Darius attacked him with his sword. He didn’t want to share the precious manuscript with anyone. In the struggle, Avenger was hurt in the face, and the slash left him a bad scar; but Darius lost his life. Avenger felt immediately lost without his father, and continued to wander aimlessly for years. But two years later an old unnamed alchemist found him, and taken by compassion he took care of Avenger. In the next year, the alchemy taught him some basic alchemy notions and gave him new strength. When the old alchemist dies, a year later, he realizes what he had to do: continue exploration and research in the whole world, like his father, however without making the same mistakes. After two more years spent wandering around, like his past, he realizes that some researches can’t be done unaided, alone, and without a place he can call “home”. So Avenger chose to search for a suitable place to live, a place that can improve his knowledge, and a place where he can aid someone. Will he be able to continue on this path without making fatal mistakes? Only the future can tell us.