Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alexendar Athol


Lord of Altera
Name:Alexendar Athol
Height:180 Cm
Hair:Brown hair
Skin:A litle bit taned
Identifying Marks:A dager At his front
Appearance:Wears a bandit mask, Is hired for cash.
Strengths:A very sneaky guy, Who always gets the job done.
Weaknesses and fears:Not so smart with orcs. Not good with broadswords and Claymore's.
Religion and cults:Sally.
Profession:Name:Assasin For cash


Hollows Explorer
Does your character eat at all? Just wondering because he is a 23 year old 180cm high male that wighs 60 kg... :p


Lord of Altera
Btw im sorry im 1 not good with pounds. Wait Changing it to 100 kg wait....... I know man who is 40 he is 70 kg Oh god thiis is geting bad lol


Lord of Altera
Oh i just figured it out... If he is 1 meter 80 Im 1 meter 50. he is about 1 30 cm Ruler longer that isnt even high . lol