Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Algatha Troldestag


The Green One
Retired Staff


Algatha is the wife of Ralog, and his queen. While usually staying calm and serious, she has a tendency to be brash and slightly impulsive. She is quite intelligent and perceptive, and will use this to her advantage. She values her husband above all else and will bend her own goals and wants for his, although she greatly enjoys being a queen.

Name: Algatha Troldestag
Age: 28
Occupation: Monarch, past leather worker
Relationship: Married


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 152 lb
Race: Human
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Skin color: Pale
Hobbies: Hiking, hunting, and leather working.

Style: Enjoys the finer things

((This character is to be used for a chain of upcoming events.))

Algatha has died in a failed siege of Halbed.​
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