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Alliance With The Aspires


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
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Pro Re Nata

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The Inquisition of Saint Jacqueline briefly incorporated with another organization, The Empyrean Cabal. Following some internal friction, it was decided between the leading officers of both organizations that it would be better to split apart once more. However, they shall go forward into the future seperate but equal partners in an alliance. They still share strong ideological similarities, and the alliance and its terms reflects such.

I. The Aspires and the Inquisition shall be seperate entities hereafter. Membership shall be exclusive to one or the other, no Aspires shall be an Inquisitor, and no Inquisitor may be an Aspires.​
II. The Aspires shall obey and enforce all ordinances imposed by the Inquisition within lands of their own jurisdiction.​
III. The Inquisition shall render reasonable aid to the Aspires in times of crisis, circumstances willing.​
IV. The Aspires shall mirror this obligation. The Inquisition may volunteer their aid in the wars and conflicts of the Aspires, and join them on the field of battle, their banners marching in unison. The Aspires shall mirror this obligation.​
V. This pact shall be made with the consent of the Second Inquisitor, Inheritor of Saint Jacqueline and the leader of the Aspires, Reinhard von Strussen.¹ Until such a time as the Aspires violate The Laws of Man as judged by the Second Inquisitor or their organization violates The Five Universal Laws, the Inquisition shall not withdraw from this honorable arrangement on threat of God's wrath for those who break oaths.² Likewise, the Aspires shall be bound only by consent and shared ideology, and may withdraw at their leisure or convenience knowing that withdrawal will remove all special arrangements and liberties granted them by the Inquisition.³​

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Legend of Altera
the respective document is available internally in both organizations - the Inquisition and the Cabal