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Also banned for stealing crops

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Zalenfal Guardian
So I was banned for "stealing crops". I have a couple of things to say:
I read through GripOnYourThroat's appeal and saw Kaies' mention of my name - Yes I had been in that town taking the crops, but I believe I did nothing wrong. For every single crop that I took (might I add that I ONLY took wheat), I replanted one using my own seeds. I uprooted no other crops. Also, there's a prevention for people where they're unable to plant seeds outside of a town - what else was I to do? I needed food, I had seeds and no harm was done. Furthermore, I actually planted an additional 4 melon seeds to which I took no claim; I planted them and left.

So could someone please reply and tell me what the situation is?




King ForumStalker
Best to speak to Kaies bout this. Since grip got unbanned maybe you will too but this is not guarantee.


Zalenfal Guardian
Well thanks Kaies, that's mighty kind of you. I'll do that if there is a next time (doubtful - kind of gone off the idea of being a farmer).
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