Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Alteran ball,party, gathering, formal dance...whatever you call it

Formal Dance RP?

  • nah

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • yeah

    Votes: 76 79.2%
  • meh.......................

    Votes: 10 10.4%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 4 4.2%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
I am still in desperate need of performers! Any kind! Magician, singers, dancers/dance team, comedian, etc!
There will be some break time during the dance where the performers would perform.
You can actually perform irl if you would like to, we all can join the TS and hear your awesome performance!!
(though I don't think we can see the dance....:(...)
I still need at least 3 performers! please help me!! save me!!!
If you are interested, please post a comment or shoot me a pm or just talk to me!!


Lord of Altera
I am still in desperate need of performers! Any kind! Magician, singers, dancers/dance team, comedian, etc!
There will be some break time during the dance where the performers would perform.
You can actually perform irl if you would like to, we all can join the TS and hear your awesome performance!!
(though I don't think we can see the dance....:(...)
I still need at least 3 performers! please help me!! save me!!!
If you are interested, please post a comment or shoot me a pm or just talk to me!!
I can sing, back in the day in ye olde Spawn Port Silver Cathedral, I'd often hold a choir there ;)

EDIT: I'll also get Jag and Alpha to do the Hollowworld Bohemian Rapsedy ;)


The Arbiter of the Gods
I can sing, back in the day in ye olde Spawn Port Silver Cathedral, I'd often hold a choir there ;)

EDIT: I'll also get Jag and Alpha to do the Hollowworld Bohemian Rapsedy ;)
Do not sing! Please!!!!!!! Unless you're planning on singing you spin me right round :p

And as for Rhapsody, go for it! ^.^


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well it's the case of asking nicely for permission... It may be painful but I don't think it costed anything :3


Lord of Altera
I am still in desperate need of performers! Any kind! Magician, singers, dancers/dance team, comedian, etc!
There will be some break time during the dance where the performers would perform.
You can actually perform irl if you would like to, we all can join the TS and hear your awesome performance!!
(though I don't think we can see the dance....:(...)
I still need at least 3 performers! please help me!! save me!!!
If you are interested, please post a comment or shoot me a pm or just talk to me!!
I can be a magician...being an actual mage.


Lord of Altera
Angela, how much would you estimate in radiants this whole project has cost you?
It may look like it costed nothing but I've actually spent roughly 30~30.5K and i'll be spending few 4~7K more to pay the workers. I basically had to start from the scratch (I didn't want to use my towns stock obviously and I'm pretty new to this server). Diamond blocks and snow was the part of the decoration and it was costly plus I had to buy a lot (I mean a LOT) of potions as refreshments which was also expensive. So Polo your comment is rude


Lord of Altera
name: Arsith jr Cronk (Fogi or megasoar)
Time: anytime that isn't super late I'm in central time


Lord of Altera
**Someone said that central european time should be 12 is that true?? I wasn't sure and been looking up the google and am still confused @_@

the Time conversion is based on US EASTERN TIME, 4 PM!!!!!!
so just convert from that time(sorry for being irresponsible, but google doesn't really help here)


Lord of Altera
I know everyone is worried about getting a new skin for this event, well
first here's a link to one of the online MC skin editor

second: if your everyday dress is formal enough (i.e. wizard's robes)
then you can just wear them with a mask which you can add with the link above.

Third: if you can't wear what we typically think is formal-tux and dress- due to
your character then it's fine but please use common sense. I prefer not to see
lot of skins (unless you're a merpeople) and other offensive attire.