Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Althalos - Character Profile


Name: Althalos.

Nickname/Alias: He has no nickname because no one ever gave him one.

Age: 18

Gender: Male.

Race: Elf.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Around 50 kilos maybe.

Hair: Long platinum blonde hair.

Eyes: Dark brown.

Skin: Pallor-Caucasian.

Identifying Marks: Wooden bow with detailed elven carvings on it. He calls his bow "Carol", reason for this is secret.

Appearance: Fairly well muscled. Wears a set of leather armor.

Strengths: His archery is his best strength. If he sees his target he will hit it. Good at hunting and knows how to farm. He can move very quickly and silently if he wants to.

Weaknesses and fears: Close combat, conversations with other people, romance. He is not used to the outside world and that caused him to have a rather quiet personality.

Religion and cults: None. He does not know of any gods.

Profession: Peasant at a local farm.

Story: (I just copied the one I used for my application sorry hehe.)

My name is Althalos. I am a young hunter and an elf. Me and my family have lived in the forest for many years, hiding from the dangers of the outside world. I had only one true friend I could depend on at that time, and that friend is my bow, Carol. My father made it for me when I was still merely a child and since then I have practiced with it everyday. For me, as long as I could see it I can hit it. One morning, I was preparing to go hunting because it was my mother's birthday. I was very excited and I wanted to bring back plenty of food for her. I brought my trusty bow, Carol, with me and some arrows I made as well. I kissed my mother goodbye and off I went. I couldn't say goodbye to my father because he was asleep, again. Not too long after I left the house, I saw a deer standing in the open. I immediately crouched so I do not alert the animal. I was confident that I was going to kill it. As I was crouched in the tall grass, I drew my bow slowly and aimed steadily. I was calm and my mind was focused on the task. I took a deep breath and everything was silent. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the deer's movements. I took one final breath and I released the arrow. It flied striaght towards the deer's neck. But while it was flying in the air, something hit it. Frustrated, I went to pick up my arrow. I was surprised to see that on the ground there was another arrow and I know it's not mine. I looked around, thinking that there was someone else there. I nearly ran as I saw a silhouette of a person in the shadows. But then, a beautiful elven woman appeared from the shadows. Her hair was white as snow, her eyes were like sapphire and she had a face of an angel. My heart fell for her that moment. Not saying a word, she went to pick up her arrow and left. I could not believe what I saw that day. I kept thinking about what happened that night as I lay in my bed. And in that night I left my home in search for this mysterious archer. Now I am just a peasant at a farm located at a remote village. But I still always practice my archery from time to time, hoping that someday people will notice my skill. And that maybe someday, my archery will lead me to "her".