Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Andaerean's Journal


My name is Andaerean. I am an Elf I am 100 years old i am a master in the art of Swordsmanship
I am male i weigh 70 kg my hair is blonde my eyes are icy blue any identifying marks. My icy blue eyes my job? i work as a smith my skin color has a ever so slight green tint which is an identifying feature religion i do not worship gods my luck has been bad in my time i have given up on the gods i have some talent with magic. How i came to port silver ah i took a ship called the Kalamia i came to work as a smith as i have mentioned before my weaknesses i may regret writing this down my biggest weakness is my hubris i am always thinking i can take anyone down at anytime. my height i am 6.2 backstory i worked as a smith and knight for the queen of my kingdom called Ansr-Mara which means runepriest in this language-the writing is faded and unreadable after-(is this good?)