Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Andal Lydel [The Mastiff]


Lord of Altera
Started work on death update. Updated relations, will add some new ones, then will make an overview of his life. More to come!


Lord of Altera
In memory of...

Andal Lydel

Merchant, Lord, Brother, Friend, Criminal, Mastiff.


Written in his cell while awaiting execution,
“I’ve had many titles throughout my time, from merchant to lord, but I’ve always been a thief. I’ve spent my entire life taking what I wanted. Eventually I found that no matter how much I took, there was always more to take. I realize now that things don’t make life, but taking them does. From a bag of coin to the love of my family, they are all just things I have worked to make mine. In the end it isn’t how many of these things I managed to earn that matters, but it is instead how I enjoyed the journey of taking them. I’ve found many friends and shared many laughs, and for that, I will die knowing I have taken everything I needed.

A note to my followers:
We are the Thieves’ Guild. Our title may change, our leaders may die, but we will prevail. Change is natural, and with my death I expect plenty. Take arms and follow whoever you wish, but do not give up. The Thieves’ Guild is not dead, only I.

A note to my brother:
I always wondered why our father chose me to be his successor. I always considered myself to be nothing like him, and everyone agreed. Only now that I sit, waiting to die, do I realize why Habin chose me. Only now do I realize that I am a Lydel.

To be a Lydel does not mean to be a Halfling. It does not mean living a simple life, or gardening, or making tea. It means to fight for what you want, and to share it with others. It means to care for your family and enjoy the company of friends. To be a Lydel you must fight, but you also need to enjoy. Remember this, Cedric. You are a Lydel.

I love you.”
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