Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Anyone watch Accel world? Because I just started watching it and its really good.


Lord of Altera
I will give it a try, I like comedy.
And they finally updated Barajou no Kiss after 8 months....(yes I read shoujos)


The Anime loving Brony
I've been meaning to watch Attack on Titan.
When I get some free time from school in a week or two, I'll probably marathon it.


Lord of Altera
Attack on Titan, so far, is amazing!
(I'm up through episode 6 as of writing this)

It reminds me a whole lot of Gurren Lagann, another very good anime.


Lord of Altera
I watched the first episode but I don't get it...
Why are they in Japan and have all euro-medieval looking buildings, names and people >>


Lord of Altera
I'm not talking language here lol; Got a bit confused about the first town's name, because it was, unlike all the others, not german ;)


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
May have been bought up before but -

Has anyone else noticed that Legion and Nael are basically L and N from Deathnote?


Just started watching Full metal alchemist and I have to say it is pretty good, only anime I have ever enjoyed....apart from pokemon of course...