Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Announcement] The claims of Windsor


Bored Brit

By the grace of Jax's luck; I, Moriarty of House Windsor-Lydel, hereby lay claim to the House Lydel and all of its assets.

I. My lands will be listed as follows:
-Windsor Bay and its surrounding areas.

-Rogue's Hearth and its surrounding areas.

II. The Hinnick Trade fleet will now answer to myself and it's ships are mine.

III. I declare my family, my lands and all that I own independent. I will not bend my knees to the southern powers known as Telarion or Abermore.

To those wishing to rebuke my claim, I merely invite to Windsor Bay for a nice cup of tea and a chat.

Good day to you all,
Moriarty Windsor of House Lydel
Warden of the Southern Waters