Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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apology and kind of a request for mercy

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well.. hello there peeps,

was just banned for stealing and account sharing i believe..

will give the story here so i dont has to tell everyone over and over
brother stayed over my house, let him on minecraft to have some fun.. foolish sense of trust in family
went on a stealing spree, and dunno if anthing else :confused:
as it was my account i understand that this is my fault and responsibility. so i accept the ban(is it temp or perm?) as my due punishment.

just wanted to apologise to the people i/he stole from, hope all will be sorted out soon.

Apologies to all concerned.
will NEVER happen again thats for sure :D
have fun everyone!

Wingnutius Crowley. AKA Bing


<3 Hollow World
I'll be honest I've only been playing minecraft since April but I've heard excuses about this so often that it's getting daft. It's your account, if you had respect for Hollow World and your fellow players you wouldn't have risked this. We permit YOU to play on Hollow World, nobody else using your account no matter how closely related they are to you or how great a friend you are, or how drunk you get etc.

You're apology is accepted, I've reduced the length of ban from 3 days to 24 hours. You will be able to play again this time tomorrow. If this ever happens again though you can expect a 7 day + ban at a minimum.


yeah it would get tiresome wouldnt it? anywayz thank you, i wasnt expecting my little bro to go online, thought he'd stick to single player. anywayz it wont happen again at all, thank you and long live the king :D


Le Original Queen
Just a suggestion. Uncheck the store password option next time. If he really wants to play, let him do so offline. It is the same deal I do with my sister and I have never had a problem.


Grand Lizard
I just say "Screw you" to my brother and don't let him on the computer, that works as well.

PS get a new brother, oh wait that one doesn't work...


King of the north!
I just say "Screw you" to my brother and don't let him on the computer, that works as well.

PS get a new brother, oh wait that one doesn't work...
It does if you have very strange relationship with your mother... xD


No i didnt say Screw you to him... Instead i said.. you know wat.. i dont think im allowed to swear that many times on this forum and not get banned forever for it , :p and have unchecked the password now, and will endeaver to make up for this! tho its kind of hard considering i was just kicked out of Uthrandir(the Mages tower).. but ill do my best!!! :D

Thank you Kings and freinds for supporting me and putting up with me :)

P.S im looking to join Saline Creek or Warstrom, who is the mayor of Saline creek?
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