Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Elijah Watt

About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username? Soul_Ripper

2) How old are you? 19

3) Where are you? Florida, USA

4) Have you read our guides yet? Yes

5) Introduce yourself! Im a male who lives in Florida I have enlisted in the Marine Corp recently and will be shipped off sometime i the summer. I enjoy any kind of Roleplaying game, when I was younger I started on games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 then I moved on to PC and got into games like DayzRP and Arma III. I enjoy these games because it gives me a chance to be something im not. For instance I will never get to see the world in a different point of view like fallout's or Dayz's. I was born in Baltimore but I moved to Florida when my dad died 7 years ago in Afghanistan. Before I wanted to join the marines I was going to develop games but when my dad died I did allot of thinking and the Marines seem's like a better fit and better option as my dad was one and so was my uncle. I am a huge Viking/Northman fan so my wall consist of several Great axe's as well as broadswords.

6) Got any examples of your work? Not really, if you'd like to know Google marines.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application? No

8) Referrer: (Optional) No one referred me


About your character
: Jack Wolfe

Character's name here! Nice and simple. If they go under multiple aliases, let us know.


Character's age here! This can be an approximate age if you're not entirely sure.

Race: Human

HollowWorld has a list of approved species that you can learn about on the Core races synopsis if you haven’t already done so. There are no half-breeds of races.

Appearance: Tall male around 6'2-6'3, he weighs about 221 pounds and he has a very muscular build. His shoulders are broad and his muscles on every part of his body are maintained. He has black hair and a mild beard, he seems to have some tattoos as well as scars.

What does your character look like? If you have a picture or skin of your character post it here. If not, we'd like a brief description of the design you have in mind.

PLEASE NOTE that some features are exclusive to races or character traits. Your application may need reviewing should our staff feel that details do not fit with the existing lore. Ignoring these suggested changes will result in your application being declined.


The test
"Winter must have come early" Jack speaks to himself as he climbs out of his cot. Jack looks to the sky noticing that shards of ice begin to hang from the tree. As he walks to his hanging post he notices half of his deer missing. Jack sighs at the sight of this, "If I had an ingot of any metal in the world for every time this happened I wouldn't be here right now". Jack begins to load his half of the deer onto the horse and strap it on when he notices his ring that his father gave him before his disappearance was gone. Jack begins thinking to himself {Maybe in my drunkenness I was robbed?} "Nah cant be... not out here these are the wilds and thieves wouldn't dare come where bears and wolf's prey on the weak". Jack begins searching through his tent and the snow and finds nothing. "Damn" he says to himself, Jack then begins to think of what else could have happened to his ring. "Maybe an animal?" Jack queries as he still searches around the campsite looking for the ring. "Father always said if I lost this ring then I would bring dishonor and bad luck to our name". "I have to find this he says to himself". As Jack spends about 2 hours searching and the sun comes up more he see's the faint glimmer of something in the sunlight not to far from his horse. {Hmmm} he thinks to himself. Jack walks to the objects direction and quickly realizes it is indeed his fathers ring and he wont be the Wolfe who lost the ring that has been in the family for 3 generations. "Thanks the gods", Jack says to his horse Jules as he pets her. Jack begins packing up his tent and putting out the fire that remain in the pit with his feet reducing it to nothing but ashes at that point. Jack begins climbing upon Jules and rides to his village south east from the campsite. "Fear cuts deeper in the souls of men than steel". "Huh" he says to himself and smirks. "The great rulers in history wouldn't be who they were without steel" he chuckles to himself. Jack arrives to his town within 3 hours and receives a rather unwelcome greeting. "Where the hell have you been boy?, I have people who have been waiting for some fresh deer meat for ages!. The butcher looks at the deer an back at Jack. "That's not the deer for me I hope?" Jack replies with an ashamed "Yes sir..... it is". The butcher sighs and ask "What happened boy? "I dont know" says Jack. "I went to sleep with the deer hung up to let it bleed and then.... it just was gone, or at least half was". "Didn't your father ever teach you to hang game up high so predators don't steal it!" The butcher replies in anger. "He did sir but I had no rope and I had no nails". "Don't make excuses boy! you didn't come prepared and now you lost half your deer!. "Get out of my face!" the butcher says as he unloads the deer. "Sorry Geran I di-" Geran cuts him off "Boy I dont care for yer excuses.... I wont fire you because the only way to get better and learn is through failure". "We are members of the same village and since your fathers kidnapping I have to look after you and take care of you". "Make sure it don't happen again aye? Geran says. "I wont". Jack says as he hurries off to unload his horse. Jack mutters to himself "Damned predators make me look like an amateur". Jack heads to Geran's house and notices he has a new Axe lying on his table. Jack begins inspecting the axe before running his thumb down the blade. "Sharp", he chuckles to himself . Geran walks in with blood on his hands from the deer meat. "Ye saw that aye?" he says to Jack. "It was yer fathers request that when you turn 16 and seem of appropriate maturity and have learned what it takes to be a man that you receive a mighty axe". "I had the blacksmith make it and balance it and sharpen it". "Now after 2 weeks of hard work he put together one of his greatest feats". Jack replies with "so thats why he stopped my apprenticeship for 2 weeks aye?" Jack laughs. Geran cracks a smile. "I don't need to explain how dangerous this is because im sure you are well aware since me and your father began training you with weapons at the age of 10". "When you turn 18 they will hold the ceremony of your maturity and you will be own your own after that". From then on Jack trained as hard as he could in the fighting capabilities he hadn't. He was already well trained with a Sword,Spear,Axe,Javelin, shield, and his fist. For the next 2 years he worked on his Bow skills as well as his Seax skills. His Seax skills were already quite decent but he decided to improve when he wasn't working with his longbow. Jacks journey had began at 18 and he had a future ahead of him that could go either way based on his choices in life.
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