Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Artesia Vaneme Echelon 3


Lord of Altera

(art by AbsintheOTL)


In-Game Name - CastleSuperbeast
Character Profile - Artesia Vaneme.
Current Echelon - Echelon 3
Chosen School(s) - Evicisim
Chosen Specialization(s) - Cryomancy
Spell Points - 6/6
- Frost mage profile Fronslin
Protege(s) - N/A

Winds of Winter
A cold hand wraps itself around Artesias heart, ice magic pumps through her veins. As she grows stronger, they effect her skin, making her paler, and her skin colder to the touch.
Echelon 1: Artesia’s touch becomes cold and is able to impart a chill to objects and people that she comes into contact with.
Echelon 2: When Artesia casts, the area around her gets slightly colder. Her skin has grown colder, and paler. A trail of cold air follows the projectile of any ranged weaponry she uses (save for siege engines). None of this provides mechanical benefit or hindrance.
Echelon 3: When Artesia casts, the area around her gets noticeably colder (up to three meters). A long icy white streak has formed in her hair

Sustained Effects

Sanctum Location



Chill || 2 casts​
  • Level: 0
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: Touch.
  • Duration: One hour.
  • Effect: The mage touches an individual with their hand, keeping them comfortably cool in hot environments for one hour. Touch must be maintained for this effect to persist.
Wail || 1 cast​
  • Level: 0
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 80 meters.
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Effect: The mage causes their focus to vibrate visibly, as energy is channeled through it erratically, and it emits a loud, howling, erratic wail. Anything spoken by the caster while this is active will be amplified to this volume.
Level 1
Climate Command || 4 casts​
  • Level: 1
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: Three meters around the caster
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Effect: The spell automatically balances the temperatures around the caster to induce an area of relative comfort. Brisk colds become milder, and searing heat lessens. This has no effect on extremes of temperature, nor will it fully prevent frostbite or heatstroke, though it may lessen them.
Flame Wreathe || 5 casts​
  • Level: 1
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 10 meters.
  • Duration: 15 Minutes
  • Effect: The mage may target a hearth fire or smaller to siphon its energy onto their held weapon or, alternatively, their fists if no weapon is held. They may siphon ambient thermal energy. Both options take one round. Their weapon or hands are then wreathed in flames that heat them, with no risk of damaging the weapon or mage. Flames siphoned from an existing source may be directed to a single target within range, ending the spell and causing minor first degree burns if the target is hit. The target may roll Body + Evasion vs the Caster’s AOE DC to avoid
Heleg Ihim || 5 casts (Taught to Damien Seeker, and Asero Crow)​
  • Level: 1
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 5 meters
  • Duration: 4 turns
  • Effect: The caster focuses on a location in front of them, chilling the ground in a 2x2 meter area for one turn. For the duration the area is coated in a thick layer of slick ice. Everyone but the caster may make a Mind+Awareness roll vs the caster's AoE DC to be aware of the patch. If anyone steps on the ice unaware they must roll Body+Evasion vs the caster'sAoE DC to see if they slip and fall. Failure results in them falling and requires them to use their full movement on their next turn to get up. Those who are aware may make a Body+Evasion roll vs the caster's AoE DC to slide on it gracefully, treating the 2 meter area as 1 meter in terms of distance you can move in a turn.
Thaw and Boil || 5 casts​
  • Level: 1
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: A 5x3 area from the emitter of the caster
  • Duration: Concentration
  • Effect: The mage directs a visible heatwave from the tips of their fingers or held weapon, causing ice to gradually thaw away, akin to how it would naturally. Standing directly in front of these heatwaves is uncomfortable and might cause skin to remain red and agitated for a day if contact persists for four rounds or more. The heat is not sufficient to damage delicate objects like books or similar. If their hand or held weapon is dipped into water of up to a cauldron in volume, it gradually heats it to a boil over the course of a minute. The boiling water created by this spell will not adversely affect the caster while it is being boiled.

Fire Familiar || 2 casts​
  • Level: 1
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 10 m
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Effect: As the mage concentrates for a turn, an orb of fire appears near them, quickly transfiguring into any small sized animal they desire. The newly formed “creature” - made entirely of fire - radiates enough light and warmth to illuminate and warm a small room (10x10x10 m). The construct is not sentient, but it can be directed by the caster up to 10 meters or idle alongside them. Though made of fire, it is purely non-combative - if the creature comes into contact with anything other than the mage, it will harmlessly fizzle out. It stays until dismissed or destroyed. Only one may be active at a time.

Elemental Volley || 2 casts​
  • Level: 2
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 50 meters, with disadvantage at a range of 30+ meters
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Effect: The mage looses a projectile of ice, fire, or electricity from the end of their outstretched hand. The projectile is about the same size and speed of an arrow loosed from a shortbow, does not impart any force on impact unless stated otherwise, and affects, roughly, a one foot by one foot area. A fire bolt results in flames being loosed at a target, acting like ordinary fire; an electric bolt causes intense pain and electrical burns on impact (those with insulated armor find this effect reduced, the pain only moderate and the burns minor); and a blast of condensed frigid cold air, carrying a payload of sharpened hail, causes moderate frostbite as well as smaller puncture wounds therein.
Hailstorm Minor ||​
  • Level: 2
  • Branch: Volatile
  • Range: 3 by 3 meter
  • Duration: Two rounds / the block forms
  • Effect: The mage creates a small hailstorm cloud and sends it up to ten meters into the air. It rains down small balls of hail as it travels straight in one direction for five meters, the impact of which is just painful enough to annoy. At the discretion of the mage, a fist-sized will drop from the cloud, dealing a hit hard enough to push someone off balance if they fail a Body + Evasion check.
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Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Hi there! Please open an Arcane Ticket on the HW discord so that we can discuss your application more closely with you!