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Eric V

Legend of Altera
*cries* Why mac why!

…ill go tinker until I figure this out….maybe ill be back with answers


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I think it is just a really bad place for a server since it seems many here in the states cannot connect to it.
I think our UK and European players would disagree.

But on a side note... I have put a support request into the Hosting Provider. If I can't get this resolved soon I may consider moving back to the old server pending further investigation.

Apologies to those of you who cannot get on. Please have patience as you haven't been forgotten.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Thanks cherbert, it's nice to know that the people who run and maintain hollow world do take these things in to serious consideration.


I don't know if this helps, but when I tried creating a NEW server it didn't work for me, it only worked when I edited the old server.
Once again I have no idea if this is relevant or not lol, I'm no computer genius ;)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Out of interest.. it would appear this new server shares something in common with Hamachi which I suspect some of you have probably used or are using. Our new IP starts 5.x.x.x which is the same range as Hamachi. Therefore this could explain why you cannot find the host should you have Hamachi running as a service in the background.

Can you please turn-off or remove Hamachi and try again.


I have it running in the background and I can connect fine, but im on PC so it might work for mac users :/
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