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Ban appeal


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I got banned by Steel after being killed multiple times and accused of lying (Which is spell properly, lars). I didn't know it was HeadlessMonkey's item's, but you don't have to keep killing me you can just say ''Hey it's his items, give it back." etc. Sorry for the caps earlier than that.

Could i be unbanned please? I remember last time you said if i was banned again it was a normal ban or something..?


King of the north!
the ban is standing for a while. Not decided how long yet.

I'm sick of you killing people then moaning about being killed yourself. Sick of you complaining all the time. Sick of you saying no when an admin tells you to do something.

you complained when you stole someones items and tped away and i tped after you and killed you. Regardless of who's items they were, you knew they weren't yours and you took them anyway. Then Roopot told you to be quiet on several occasions, you repeatedly said no. Frankly I and other admins and even players don't feel you seem to fit in with this server.

As i banned you atleast 6 people, including a couple of admins said thankyou and about time. Think about this.


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"I'm sick of you killing people" I only killed 'fred'

"you complained when you stole someones items and tped away and i tped after you and killed you."
but you don't have to keep killing me you can just say ''Hey it's his items, give it back." etc.

" As i banned you at least 6 people, including a couple of admins said thankyou and about time. Think about this."
Yeah, i'm working on my attitude and such..

I'm sorry, i'm trying really hard to fix my attitude and my non-cooperative response, but in my opinion ( which doesn't really matter at all but i feel i need to say it anyway), in a lot of different thing's you guy's aren't handling it that well, such as trying to calm it down and then get the items back fairly and then move on, not having to deal with one tiny thing for three hours. And also, going around killing/terrorizing people, i know it might be fun to you guys but it's not that fair either, especially when there is a whole crowd of people looking at something new and someone dies and you just burn their item's and say Nope. Not getting item's back.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Thanndreli we handle things quite well.
For every other case we have been polite, calm, and sensible.
It is only when people like you with a bad attitude make it worse, and we have to get angry at you.
Frankly im sick of your attitude.

You are a lutheranus and i think that this ban should be permanent.


King of the north!
I didn't say you weren't getting them back, i just said they had burnt. You then you said you had diamond which you didn't then tried to change it saying you had a diamond sword. Oh and nice control of your attitude there.


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For every other case we have been polite, calm, and sensible.
It is only when people like you with a bad attitude make it worse, and we have to get angry at you.

I'm sorry, the only way i can change my attitude is by other's telling me that it's bad, which then i try to fix it.
My attitude is still bad now, but hopefully better than before.


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Ouch. Hopefully you will be EXTREMELY kind enough to give me a last chance, and as Terrowin had said, life really isn't the same without HollowWorld. After school and working, I don't have anything else to do, really.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I stick with what i said, but my guess is that steel is gonna be nice and give you ONE last chance.
Oh and put you on probation or something.
Like if you so much as annoy one of use thats it.
You had better jump through hoops for us.