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Banned for stealing crops?

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The only crops i have taken have been the ones in the town i live in, and the ones that were just left since i had joined the town, and there were no signs saying "Don't take these" Even the assistant mayor of the town saw me taking them, And never said anything? So i'm not saying i didn't, i JUST never knew that they were somebodys other wise i wouldn't?
And also, It wasn't just me who had been taking them, All the time people of the Town would just come and take them when in need of food, So i am incredibly confused HOW i've been banned for this. I've never once been rude on the server, Even though thats got nothing to do with what i've been banned for, I said too everyone before i had went off yesterday that i was going to donate after enjoying it so much, Its the only server i play and to be banned over something i didn't even do is a slight bit annoying, As i didn't even know it was against the rules because it wasn't just me who did it and there was no way it could be stealing as it was either just left by the "owner" and forgotten about, Making me think that it was free for anyone who lived in the town, but clearly not and Who's ever it was, I'm incredibly sorry and if i don't get unbanned until the time it says Then i hope somebody can tell this Person That im sorry for doing it, and that i didn't actually know it wasn't free too be taken.


Grand Lizard
I banned you because Chrisnoble said some one was stealing crops. I went and had a look and your name and justshadow's came up for taking wheat pumpkins and watermelons. Keep in mind this is a tempban, i should only last a few days.

chris noble

Loyal Servant of Altera
it was for everyone to eat from, the difference is, other people knew that you don't rip up every plant and seed, including the stalks for melons and pumpkins. also, you did not replant them at all.

your ban is temperary, but your exile from town is not


Unbanned. Chris next time put up a sign about this or tell your residents. They can't smell what they can or can't pick up.

Grip, its customary to replant wheat after harvesting. It's also a nice thing to do.

Next time someone 'steals' crops kick them from your town, it's not a major offense (especially when noone tells them they can't take it from the town farm).

Kaies wasn't in the wrong here though, we didn't set up any rules for this.
it was for everyone to eat from, the difference is, other people knew that you don't rip up every plant and seed, including the stalks for melons and pumpkins. also, you did not replant them at all.

your ban is temperary, but your exile from town is not
If your online in game now i shall return all of the seeds, and every bread i have, Sound fair too you? I don't expect too be allowed too stay in your town and more, but i shall still return all of the items too you.


King ForumStalker
lars, it wasn't just the wheat he stole the seeds of, he ripped up the melon and pumpkin stalks.
in which case you should have more melon and pumpkin seeds from before this happens. most stalks when broken give 2 sets of seeds rather than one.

You wont have a problem with replanting it all though i hope? If so I don't mind lending a hand.
Unbanned. Chris next time put up a sign about this or tell your residents. They can't smell what they can or can't pick up.

Grip, its customary to replant wheat after harvesting. It's also a nice thing to do.

Next time someone 'steals' crops kick them from your town, it's not a major offense (especially when noone tells them they can't take it from the town farm).

Kaies wasn't in the wrong here though, we didn't set up any rules for this.
I thank you for being kind enough too understand what i meant and unbanning me, And i didn't actually know i shouldn't of took the seeds, as in the building inside the farm, there was a chest filled with seeds, And i just thought i should start my own farm and stop taking from there, even though it was wrong to not replant the seeds and i apologize for that.
its ok now, the farm has been redone
I really don't expect a yes from this, But I'll return ALL of the melons i have, All of the bread i got from the farm, I really LOVE the town, I was staying in a house with a very friendly person, and i don't want a few stacks of seeds too cause me too have too find a new town i don't even want too be in, The only reason i was continuing too play the server is because the town, I hated staying inside silver port all the time asking for a town, and then Fleecy i think invited me too the town, and then i started staying in a house with someone, I'm basically begging you just for one last chance at staying in the town, Its all i ask. just one more chance.
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