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Banned For ''Undefined''

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I, BenBest1 were banned for Undefined I have a idea why. Recently I was temporarily banned for two days for Greifing and Stealing. Then I came back on and never did anything wrong after that. Then a day later I found out today I was banned by Thea? For undefined I stole his book from his Chest and a friend asked me if I had it, I said I did and that I was dying multiple times and lost it. I was banned by him for ''Undefined''

Everyone makes mistakes, We do learn from them.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I originally perm-banned you for griefing places all over Uthrandir and not fixing it. At first, we thought it could be an accident, but it was more than 20 times. Secondly, you stole loads from my private chests (EX; Green record, iron, food, some gold, etc). You also griefed my room inside Uthrandir. In the first place, you shouldn't have even been in there.

Bellon wanted to unban you just to talk, so i did. Later on in the day, i go back to my room and find out that you stole again. Thus being rebanned.

You took my 137 page book, which i have to completely rewrite.

Lastly, i'm a girl. You should use some common sense and link that to my ingame name, Thea.

I'd like to see you reply.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Avery said:
You took my 137 page book, which i have to completely rewrite.
Hey avery, you can use copy paste with the bookworm, so you should save your work in a notpad file ore somewhere.

And ben, i dont think there is much you can really do, you were unbanned and then immediately stole again.


Lord of Altera
i dont think he should be reaccepted he was ,from what i understand, temp banned for greifing and stealing then perm banned for greifing and then when you where unbanned you then stole again i think this is a classic three strike offence.


Sorry I was not trying to offend you. I was in the town of Uthrandir where this happened and I stole allot of stuff, I act up rarely and all I greifed that wasn't in your room were 3 glass blocks I replaced everything else I greifed. I will accept any consequences I face. But yet again I would like to give you my apologies. I just want a second chance, I was in the wrong I understand that. I will try to refrain from stealing or greifing.

I didn't steal after I was unbanned I stole the book before I was banned.


King ForumStalker
I really see no reason why we should unban you, you have shown you have the tendancy to both greif and steal, knowing the consequences of both yet still going through. You have given us nothing to believe that we should keep you or that you will change in the future.

Unless you can really prove that you can change your ways, I vote ban stands.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I vote ban stands.
Hawkeye says you took things after you were unbanned, and I was following you invisible.
There are still numerous spots where you griefed that haven't been replaced yet.
If he gets unbanned...

He doesn't get cake.


King ForumStalker
Its your ban, so unless someone in the moderation department vouches for you (which i doubt will happen) the ban stands.


<3 Hollow World
This ban stays, mod who banned you has said that and the fact that you've continued to break the rules after being unbanned previously and temporarily banned doesn't bode well. I doubt any of the other admins will come to your aid either.

Everyone makes mistakes, We do learn from them.
Ironically you didn't it seems.

There are other servers out there that will happily put up with you griefing builds and stealing from other players, we won't. Farewell and happy travels Ben.

Thread locked, appeal declined.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Ok thea, though it really doesnt matter what he says, unless hes willing to accept thee doom of Damocles(If you know what this is /high five)


<3 Hollow World
This ban is standing. From what I've read this player clearly can't prevent himself from stealing other peoples items, not someone who should be on Hollow World as they clearly have a lack of respect for others. Griefing is bad enough but to compound that with a weak excuse for stealing and then saying you'll TRY not to do it again isn't good enough.

In the interests of protecting our legitimate and law-abiding players this chap must stay banned.

Bellon can post on a locked thread as he's a moderator, so this thread is now closed to all non-mods.
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