Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Best RP Practices


Lord of Altera
If someone is being stupidly obvious, go ahead and spot them
fun story:

this guy was trying to sneak up on me and someone else, trying to be a good eavesdropper.
he was terrible at it.
like, he fell off the roof twice.

it was highly comical, as eventually my character said "remind me to teach you a lesson on how to sneak. because you need it."


Lord of Altera
Was it i
fun story:

this guy was trying to sneak up on me and someone else, trying to be a good eavesdropper.
he was terrible at it.
like, he fell off the roof twice.

it was highly comical, as eventually my character said "remind me to teach you a lesson on how to sneak. because you need it."
port silver? The lg can sometimes cause trouble for people