Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
*Posted a poster next to the one in Mockingbay.*
This self proclaimed "Shadow Rider" is not only a coward but also has a bolt lodged into his chest.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Personally I enjoy the idea of a type of character that is known more so as a legend than an actual being, especially one who gives reason to not sin or be a degenerate. Good on you Spirit, best of luck keeping this going and not being rofl stomped or gang banged by everyone and their step brother.


Personally I enjoy the idea of a type of character that is known more so as a legend than an actual being, especially one who gives reason to not sin or be a degenerate. Good on you Spirit, best of luck keeping this going and not being rofl stomped or gang banged by everyone and their step brother.
I agree this is awesome and I love it :D


Lord of Altera
Personally I enjoy the idea of a type of character that is known more so as a legend than an actual being, especially one who gives reason to not sin or be a degenerate. Good on you Spirit, best of luck keeping this going and not being rofl stomped or gang banged by everyone and their step brother.
As a person who has interacted with it, I highly enjoyed it even if he kept getting scared off.