Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bewpy's doodles

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I really liked the idea of tropical elves (often called sunset elves because the colors they adorn themselves look like a sunset or tropical setting) so i doodled them.
i also thought of some features theyd have,
they have long ears like a regular elf except more rounded. they have a yellow blonde hair and its fashionable to dye parts of it from various tropical plants. they're alot more slender than "normal" elves and not quite as fast/agile as a woodelf nor strong as other elves. theyre generally peaceful and live in tropic areas and are masters of fishing/sailing as they usually live near an ocean or water of some sort. they also make good traders. they live a really relaxed lifestyle.
if you have some other suggestions about tropical elves then let me know! i'm really interested in this type of elf
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