Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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''Bounty on la criminelle Gwendelwyn''


Lord of Altera
gwen poster.jpg

*Only a few posters would be hanged, mainly around the realm of Haven and a couple at the Crossroads*

*The main content of the ''WANTED'' poster would go like this;*

''In the name and authority of le Duc Thorius I du Lavoyard, a warrant has been made to bring the madame known as Gwendelyn to face Haven justice following her attack that has temporarily wounded and put the life of Madame Valerie de Beaumont, fiancée of le Duc and future Queen of Haven at risk, and furthermore threatening death and violent actions towards the man known as Janos Serpentos for an evil deed he did not commit. This woman is wanted by the Lavoyarde nobleman, and he is ready to pay up to fifty emeralds (1000 radiants) radiants for her elimination, but wishes to let know that he has no wish for unecessary death, so he hereby promises twenty-five (500 r) more emeralds added to the first reward if the wanted individual is brought alive and in a reasonable physical state. The dame shall face imprisonment in the prisons of the Château Lavoyard for a short duration of time to make her understand the gravity of her crimes.
May the Sun's justice shine, and que la prospérité et la justice soient avec Haven!
@Megadonkey30 @Ruukasu Lawliet @Sir_Ashington @smurf58105 @pyrocide @223hero7


Lord of Altera

wait wat.

Also, who took the time to draw a perfect drawing of her? Daaaamn.

I like how all she did was punch her in the stomach. Heh. 'Temporarily wounded.'
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Lord of Altera
Ohh, I always thought Latin. Hmm, learn something new everyday
i've made a language/explanation to clarify such questionnings thread here:

wait wat.
Le Duc doesn't necessarily want you dead. He mainly doesn't care about your physical state,because french nobles, yo. /But/, he does not want for an unecessary death, so it is why he pays more if you are kept alive. Consider it an incentive to not kill you. ^-^

Also, who took the time to draw a perfect drawing of her? Daaaamn.
I like how all she did was punch her in the stomach. Heh. 'Temporarily wounded.'
Of course it's not a perfect drawing RP wise, this here is just for OOC show, i though most of you would like it the photoshoppy thing. :heart:

Furthermore, of course you just punched Valerie, and she was okay 10 minutes after. The difference and only detail you perhaps fail to understand is that you punched the fiancée of a quite influent french noble, which, by medieval standards, more then triples the gravity of your crime (random number). You should be happy le Duc doesn't need you dead, as I know a lot of other nobles who wouldn't even put wanted posters, and just send their own men or private headhunters after you, men that would not be very kind to your ''alive'' state. Its also not only about Valerie, but also about Janos, who is a... ''Collaborator''? of the Duc. My only tip for future RPs would be informing yourself before you decide to punch anyone, for that person may be more then a tavern patron. ^-^