Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Breaking and Entering


Dead Man Walking
Would it be acceptable to break into an otherwise locked building by RP breaking through a window?


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Would it be acceptable to break into an otherwise locked building by RP breaking through a window?
Depends if the RP breaking is agreed to.
I imagine breaking any part of the building (And not replacing it) would be considered as griefing.

Best clear it with the person who's house you're breaking into, and have them open a door or something.


I doubt anyone would appreciate you literally breaking into their builds so as angry suggested, it's probably best to ask. Maybe ask nicely beforehand and arrange a time for them to open the door or at least have some glass panes at the ready. Maybe even bring your own glass panes to save them the hassle. Otherwise it seems like a cool RP activity.


I think leaving a smashed window would be good for RP as it suggests that criminal activity actually happens.
That being said, I imagine people would cry about griefing though.
True, I guess it all depends on the opinion of the broken into player, if they agree, they might even move some bits about, make the place look trashed etc.


Dead Man Walking
I'm not actually talking about breaking the window in MC. Let me paint the situation:

Player walks up to window and says in chat *smashes window and climbs in*. Then the player walks through the front door saying they got in through the window.

That is what I mean. No left clicking to break anything involved.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Sounds fine to me, so long as you're actually capable of climbing through the window after you've smashed it (Yah know, not a second story window or something).


Dead Man Walking
Other people have suggested contacting the building owner first to ask. Does this seem needed to you guys? Especially if you wanna do it secret agent style?


Lord of Altera
what exactly would you be able to find if the person you are rping "with" isn't involved? that would be teetering on powergaming.
"oh yeah, while you weren't logged in I broke into your house and stole all your things. give em to me because I broke in and you couldn't stop me"


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
what exactly would you be able to find if the person you are rping "with" isn't involved? that would be teetering on powergaming.
"oh yeah, while you weren't logged in I broke into your house and stole all your things. give em to me because I broke in and you couldn't stop me"
Knowing Dummy, he'd probably do it while they were online just for the challenge of it.