Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Breaking and Entering


Lord of Altera
My personal take on it is that if the town owner agrees you could even actually smash the window, that way the person wouldn't have to come from god know where just to open the door for you.

Anything that happens inside the building (Like chest inventory and so on) should however be discussed with the tenant.

This is as said my personal opinion and how I would handle it in HR if someone asked me and I couldn't get a hold of @bodejodel.

Replacing a window when a region owner agrees is not that big of a deal as it can be replaced within a few seconds.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
You would need building permissions to smash a window anyway.

If both parties agree to it for the sake of RP, I won't be stopping you from breaking in. But beware of the city guards... ;)


Lord of Altera
Personally, I wouldn't think it unfair for a character to break into one's house if it was correctly pulled off. That is, if there's some kind of trap then he would fall for it, or if it were right next to the guardhouse of the town then they'd probably get there soon etc.

Saying it didn't count, or shouldn't, just because you don't want your house broken into, is like channeling your character's life to only good things. If my character was being reasonably killed in a non-OP and perfectly okay manner, I wouldn't stop it just because I didn't want my character to die. As is life, and as life should be.

Naturally, one would expect the homeowner to talk the one breaking in through the contents of the house, and potentially be there if the character would be. It wouldn't be clever to do it without the homeowner explaining the contents of the house as you'd not be able to get anywhere at all.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
This is actually a very good one with the new event in mind. When the fire breaks loose and chaos all around etc. can we break windows to steal property in rp? (I'm probably not going to be there for the event, but it's nice to know)