Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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brokkscast [Declined-Man5791]


Official Alteran
About you

1) What is your Minecraft username? brokkscast

2) How old are you? 16

3) Where are you? Belgium

4) Have you read our guides yet? yes ofcource

5) Introduce yourself! (Minimum 5 sentences please!)

Hello my name is Timo I am 16 and I absolutely adore cats and dogs.I have 4 cats myself and I would die for them. I am currently studying to become game designer and computer hardware engineer because those are my passion.I already play minecraft for almost 4 years and it is the best game ever.My hobbies are pool and tablesoccer.I like to get to know as much people as possible and I absolutely adore the minecraft community

6) Got any examples of your work?Not really

7) What other games have you roleplayed in? WoW,Runescape and Arma

8) Where did you find out about Hollowworld? A friend recommended it


About your character

Name: Neo

Age: 16

Race: Forest Elf



The test
I opened my hunter green eyes,seeing I was in a white cell with iron metal bars at the door."Hey Neo! I thought you was never gonna wake up,you was out for six hours,and you was shaking and growling" a girl with bright ginger hair said to me,while I slowly got up and curled up in the darkest corner of the room.I sighed. "In two days time it's my eighth birthday,we all know that's the date they locked us up in here for nearly eight years..." I said while looking at the bright white ceiling,the light shone brightly over the dark small room like a torch in darkness.

The other kids nodded at me,sadly one by one they wet to their uncomfortable bunk beds. "Annie?" I asked to the ginger haired girl. "Yes Neo?" Annie looked at me with hopeful bright green cat like eyes.I sighed once again,Annie has had a massive crush on me for over 3 years,I just saw her sister tho.

"Why do you think they locked us up in here,no contact with the real world?" I asked her,already knowing the answer."Who knows why.But am I here for killing the pigs of my neighbour or stealing the sword of a lord" Annie said while sharpening her long sharp claw like nails.I nodded at her and climbed up to the top bunk bed,Annie went to the bottom bunk.She was the first one to become friends with me,everyone else was a bit scared of me,I couldn't blame them.My teeth,well my front ones were like fangs but longer and sharper. I was born like this,I sighed and felt them with my fingers.

When I heard everyone else was asleep,I closed my eyes shut tightly in pain,I started to tremble in agonishing pain,the pain coursed trough my entire body. I heard a single long painful scream then I passed out.

"NEO!" "NEO BOY!" "WAKE UP BRO!" I heard screaming,I tried to move my body with no luck.I managed to open my eyes,only to see Annie,a black haired kid with a hole in the side of his neck and his black eyes seemed to look into your soul,and a girl with short dirty blonde hair,her hair covered by a black skull cap.Instantly recognised the boy as Bradley and the girl as Leah.
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Loyal Servant of Altera
Apart from the fact that your Test section is 84 words short, everything else looks good. You just have to wait for someone who can properly evaluate your application to look at it. ( I'm not qualified for that :p )