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Buggs' Travel Journals


Lord of Altera
This is really just a test on my writing skills. Please tell me what I can do to improve and If yall want, I would make other entries. And yes, it's written in first person rp.

Entry #1
OK, here I go. My name is Buggs. You’re probably wondering why I’m writing this, so I’ll tell you what’s been happening. I’m from the Islands of Whiir where my native people own the land. I had a normal life so far, playing with the other kids, liming with my family. But my father. He started going out and drinking at the local pub. He’d come home every night, stone drunk, and yell at us. He’d even beat us.

So I’m not going to bore you with the little things, so here’s what happened two nights ago. My sister and I were home while my mother worked extra hours in the cane field and my father was drinking at the pub. I was hungry, so I decided to try and steal some Iknek berries from the bowl on the counter. As I was reaching into the bowl, who was to bust open the door but good old father. I can see by his expression that he’d drank something strong that night.

The instant he saw my hand in the bowl, his faced turned bright red with anger and he screamed, “BUUUUUGGGS!! You’ve done it this time! Stealing! What has son turned into!? A criminal! That’s what! And you know what happens to criminals?!” I just stood there, hand in the bowl as he walked across the room and picked up his favorite axe. “They get punished!!”
He grabbed me by my brown hair, dragged me outside, and lay me in front of the old log. You see, my father was the chief of the guards in the village, and that log was where he’d take criminals or invaders to be executed. The smell of dried blood was wafting from it. I look up only to see the axe raised high above his head, he was blazing with fury.

I shut my eyes as the axe fell. Whump!! It had missed my head by only an inch and stuck deep into the ground. The rusty blade was so close to my face, I could smell the hand crafted metal as he tried to wriggle it out.
I saw this as my opportunity to escape. So I rolled myself away from the blade, and my father. And I booked it.

I ran so fast I felt my legs would tear off. But I knew I couldn’t stop for I was hearing my father’s profanities he yelled at me. By the sound of his footsteps, I knew he was close behind. I kept on sprinting until I reached the water’s edge. I quickly looked over my shoulder and there he was, still running after me on the cold night’s sand. I simply ran into the water and swam like a fish.
Swimming was always my strongest ability so I knew that I would be able to get away from him. After swimming for about seven minutes, I stop and look back. I was glad to see that he was not still chasing me, but I was quickly overwhelmed by the fact that my own father had tried to kill me in cold blood. I decided that the best plan of action would be to find the nearest land and figure out what I’m going to do, since I know that I can’t go back home. Especially with my father being drunk like that every night.

It was about sunrise when I reached land. The sun was peeping over the hills, like it was saying, “Hello Buggs, I’m here to get you all dry and ready.” Yeah, I’m crazy. I stumbled onto land but instantly fell to my knee’s at the first tree. Swimming all night can really make a boy tired.

The smell of lumber and dirt was so appealing that I decided to sit down and take a rest. I must’ve slept for a long time for when I awoke, the sun was high overhead. I decided to walk along the beach until I found something of use, or at least someone of use.

I eventually stumbled upon an old shack, probably set up as a fishing shed. Upon peering through the stained windows, I noticed that no one was home. But they did leave a couple radiants lying on the desk. I broke open the window with a rock I found next to a tree and climbed right in. The place smelled of old beer and wet wood. I grabbed the radiants, they would obviously come in handy, but my eyes also spotted a pencil and notepad. I eyed it for minute, deciding whether it’d be useful or not.

In the end, I took it and got out of that old shack as fast as I could for fear that the man who owned the place would come back. I took everything I had stolen and walked over to a tree down the shore. The sun was setting and the smell of salt water was soothing. I decided that I should start a journal in case I forgot what happened. I put the pencil to the paper and started writing.
Now I’ve reached the present. If anything of interest ever come up, I’ll write it down here. Hopefully this would prove useful to my future self or whoever stumbles across it.

Until then,