Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ButtheadTHEgreat's Application


1: ButtheadTHEgreat
2: Adam Silezin
3: 17
4: Male
5: U.S.A
6: I have read the Tome of Citizenship, and if i ever have a question ill save it for the forums.
7: I am actually excited about the role-play aspect, i have played WoW, Runescape, Allods, Fable, Skyrim, and many more. ( I played Ocarina of Time when i was took me a year, i failed so hard haha)
8: Hi everybody my name is Adam, i am 17 i like to play piano, mmorpgs, and still wont give away my legos. I want to start learning some sort of martial art, my favorite class is history ( mostly because of the battles, politics, and battles.) I am interested in Vikings, Barbarians, Raiders, or anything that includes some rough and tumble. I love Starwars, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, The Fast and The Furious, Conan The Barbarian ( The original) and many more. If theres a book and a movie i will usually read the book first. I cannot wait for The Hobbit! How did i forget?!? I am in Theater ( not proud of the tights.....LOL). I going to be honest, techno is my thing but i can appreciate a good song that isn't techno. I did a year of Football ( American) and wrestling for a year each but the teammates did some rather disturbing things so i didnt continue, i still play volleyball outside hitter (if anyone is curious). I am a decent builder but i dont have any pictures of my historical looking builds but i do have a small night club i built for a friend.
i especially like to build wooden ships I don't know why. Oh i like samurais too, i read up on all kinds of tactics used throughout the ages. ahh brain fart can't think of anything else ask away if something comes to mind.
10: cant think of anything right now
11: i am aware and understand ( takes the fun out of the game if u ask me)
12: a server website list
13: yes i have