Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Buying All Diamonds !


*Some notes are posted around Port Silver and Heaven's Reach*

Hail! I am Clark, aspiring greatest axe warrior in all Altera! To fulfill my dream, I must buy every diamond I can find!

I will buy gems in any quantity for around 150 each! If you have some spare diamonds and want some Radiants, let Clark, aspiring greatest axe warrior in all Altera, know!

*Some extra blank notes are next to the note for replies*

((Reply here or message ingame (Chumpchump) to work out a trade!))


I've got 2,000 diamonds I could sell you. Interested?
Clark's mouth drops open at the amount of diamonds! He then writes a reply

"Perhaps we could come to an arrangement? I could purchase 500 gems on the morrow for 50,000 radiants if it please you."