Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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character profile Actronan


Settling in Altera
Name: Actronan Callarum.
Nickname/Alias: Act/Actro
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5.10
Weight:127 lb
Hair: dark brown/black
Eyes: pale blue
Skin: white slight tan
Identifying Marks: 2X2 tunnels low under ground, home buried under snow
Appearance: dark robe with red lining, mustache beard combo, hood on head, most seen carrying pickax or shovel
Strengths: Mining, forging, tactical knowledge, hiding
Weaknesses and fears: quick assaults, cornering, heights, ranged attacks, threats
Religion and cults: Bilworth, Jax, Rahas, Korog
Profession:miner, blacksmith Back story: *to be filled in as time comes around*