Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character Profile: Fiona


Lord of Altera
Adventure log: Plan A, somehow worse than Plan C
5, Waterday 17th of Snowdown, 2259

Party Members:
Somnastra, ranger and party leader ( @Somnastra )
Equipment: Heavy cloak, quiver, arrows, bow, food
Raindes, priest ( @mucusBONES )
Equipment: Wool robe, satchel, carrots, wakel, bread, wood, cobble, work tools, campfire tools, rags and bandages, torches
Samara, child ( @Delta_61251 )
Equipment: Light clothing, arrows, bow, food

Retrieve lily pads and jungle saplings


Overview of events:
Raindes gathered members of Eresse by the campfire.
She informed them of two plans.
Plan A, find lily pads and jungle saplings.
Plan B, go mining.
The decision was unanimous. Plan A.
They set out at daybreak, heading north.
They passed the village again, they stopped to drink water and rest.
Raindes pulled a door from a building and stuck it in her satchel.
Raindes Acquired: Door
They traveled northward until nightfall where Raindes hollowed dirt into a makeshift shelter.
She shoved the door into the entry way.
Raindes Lost: Door
Samara told stories through the night of bandits in the woods.
Somnastra kept vigil through the night, occasionally drawing her bow against night time creatures.
Their shelter was at the edge of a river.
At daybreak Raindes pushed mud together forming a sort of bridge, allowing the hydrophobic Samara to pass.
Soon after they came upon a field with wild birds.
Samara and Somnastra took turns firing at the birds.
Samara and Somnastra Acquired: Bird meat
Raindes picked wild herbs with medicinal properties.
Raindes Acquired: Medicinal Herbs
They continued northward and came upon a swamp.
Night began to fall.
Raindes quickly gathered lily pads in the murky water.
Samara played in a very shallow pool.
Somnastra watched over both.
As night completely covered the lands Raindes hurried back to the others...
When she arrived the pair was already surrounded by night time creatures.
An archer's arrow landed true in the girl's back, lower right hand side, just above the liver.
She collapsed, Raindes scooped her up as Somnastra fought off the remainder.
The party fled back to the campfire in Eresse.
Somnastra, a ranger, was able to deftly remove the arrow without causing further damage.
Raindes prepared a crude paste with the medicinal herbs.
Raindes Lost: Medicinal Herbs
They sopped up the flowing blood with rag after rag.
They applied the paste to the wounded area, but it had little affect.
Infection was quickly setting in due to the hostile terrain and dirty environment.
A member of Eresse happened along the scene.
Party Acquired: Suiko ( @Suiko )
He quickly dashed to the docks and made sure their ship was prepared.
The rest of the party headed to the dock shortly after.
Somnastra carried Samara on her back, while Raindes kept applying fresh bandages to the wound.
At the docks Suiko rejoined the party and assisted in loading the child.
They took their small ship to the larger one in the Sorrowlands destined for Port Silver.
Upon disembarking Suiko was ordered by Raindes to find Doctor Tzemik.
He set out looking for her, as the rest of the party headed to the hospital.
The bleeding was still severe and rags were beginning to run low.
Soon after arriving in the hospital Suiko returned with Tzemik ( @Michcat ) and Scardrac ( @Scardrac ) in tow.
Suiko left shortly after.
Party Lost: Suiko
Tzemik quick assessed the situation and was able to save Samara's life.
Raindes took full responsibility for the events that led up the the girl's hospitalization.
Scardrac admonished her, and scorned Somnastra.
The remainder of the party left the hospital shortly after.
After praying at the temple the two went their separate ways.
End Adventure.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, it's official. If Sam in there, the adventure will fail. Not to say she'll not go on more, but they may need to wait until she's older. Or at least out of the hospital.