Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Character theme songs


Dark Council Elite
*Grumbles about having started a thread about modern character theme songs but posts anyways*




Lord of Altera

"It'll take a lot more than words and guns, A while lot more than riches and muscle, The hands of the many must join as one, And together we'll cross the river."


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum

"It'll take a lot more than words and guns, A while lot more than riches and muscle, The hands of the many must join as one, And together we'll cross the river."
I don't even know who Lilith is, but that song certain makes it seem like she has a huge history! Also, it fits the name :D

The Once Great King Geo:

I had this music reserved for making some epic send-off video or something as it manages to pack real power and emotion with the great sense of dread and injustice that surrounds the ghostly king of a world now gone.
I love it! :D


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Young Paladin (Elazar's "Younger" theme/old world)

Elazar Reveal (Elazar's "return" theme after his too-long expedition, in which he grew very old/new world)

Elunis's Theme (He was a tribesman who joined the Engems)

Rauve's Sorrow


Lord of Altera
Kuro Blackrose (What if I say I'm not like the others?)

Athelyna Blackrose
(Pleasure to meet you but prepare to bleed) @PINKHEADPHONE

Evaine Blackrose
(Just when you figure me out, my love will disappear) @Chayennex
