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[ Charity ] The Magebloom Charity


"Something need doing?"

[ Image from ]

The Magebloom Charity
Zstav Kyunle

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The Magebloom Charity was established on the 28th of Fogwater, 2309 by Dongus Tiff and Rogal Glade.
The Charity focuses on doing good and charitable works within Storm's Landing and advocating for the needy and poor to the Storm's Council.

As of the 30th of Fogwater, 2309, Rogal Glade was removed from the joint directorship of the Magebloom Charity. Dongus Tiff is currently the only director of the Magebloom Charity.

The Magebloom Charity has thus far donated the following on behalf of the needy and poor:
+ Standard Wooden Bucket, a bucket made by the Drakenport Trading Coalition.
+ 'The Modest Bucket', an oak bucket simple in carving - yet elegant in nature. Made by Adda Horym.

The Magebloom Charity has successfully advocated for the installation of:
+ The Docks Well, situated nearby to Kraken's Culling Tavern.

The Magebloom Charity is interested in advocating on behalf of the populace for good and charitable works. If one has an idea for an appropriate undertaking for the Magebloom Charity, the Charity can be contacted via Jack of the Kraken's Culling.

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"Something need doing?"
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