Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Chivalry or War of the Roses?


Lord of Altera
At the moment there are two major medieval combat games. Chivalry: Medieval warfare and War of the Roses.
Chivalry is set in a fictional world, while War of the Roses takes place during the British of the roses with weapons from that time. The thing I really like about War of the Roses is that you can design your own crest, wich is shown on you helmet and shield. There are tons of weapons in both games, but while Chivalry features a meatier first person combat system, War of the Roses has better ranged and mounted combat.
Which do you think is better?


The Arbiter of the Gods
I love M&B and I expect War of the Roses to be similar. I personally would have gone for War of the Roses, since horse combat is what really added beef to the previous titles. Not sure how it is in that game but it's bound to be as epic.