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[City above the Clouds] Rota Magna (Great Wheel)


Non sum qualis eram
{Disclaimer: City is nonetheless a heavily ambitious work-in-progress.}


It spreads. It follows us, no matter where one would turn. We can fight it back endlessly, but it will always come.
The Queen's grasp always spreads across the land, infecting all that it touches, and it is all we can-

Hold on a moment, back up there for a second.

Everything it touches.

Perhaps there is something that we have been neglecting to try. Yes. Neglecting indeed...


Rota Magna is a series of interconnected disks, held in place high above the grassy plains of Altera.
It exists as a place of commerce, learning, safety, and research.
It holds no fealty nor requires any, with the focus being on the development of the self, rather than the development of the group.


Rota Magna floats high above the plains on the tip of the great peninsula directly southeast of Port Silver.


Construction Thematics:

Rota Magna's series of disks are divided into four quadrants, each aligned with one of the natural elements.

The Fire Quadrant:

Materials: Sandstone, Brick
Architectural Style: Honestly, go ahead, Guess.

The fire quadrant is always lively and upbeat. It is the centre of the city's commerce, and houses the Great Market, Airdocks, Forge, and Middle-class to Upper-class housing.

The Earth Quadrant:
Materials: Dirt, Gravel, Cobblestone, Stone, Stone brick, Mossy Cobblestone, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, Brick
Architectural Style: Gothic, Teutonic

The earth quadrant, in contrast, is the most dour and stable of the four. It houses the city's cathedral, mortuary, mausoleum, crematorium, Apartments, and Upper-class housing / Noble House Lodges.

The Water Quadrant:
Materials: Grass, Logs, Wood, Plants
Architectural Style: Various Nordic

The water quadrant is awash in greenery and life, and is certainly the most leisurely place. It houses the city's park and arboretum, ampitheatre, tavern/guildhall and surrounding rentable lower-class housing, as well as medium-quality homes.

The Air Quadrant:
Materials: Eclectic.
Architectural Style: Varied.

The air quadrant is my own special brand of crazy. It houses the city's Arcanaeum, Steamworks/Mechanists, Laboratory, Research Areas, Dorm-styled housing, and anything else electic that is deemed interesting to include.

City Governance:

Each Quadrant will have it's own council of important and powerful residents. Each of these councils will choose a representitive of the Quadrant to act in the central council.

Joining the City:

Rota Magna is both big, and nonetheless tight on space. When the eventual cheaper and low class housing comes up, getting residency in the city will become much easier, but for now, as the city is under construction, the city has extremely limited space.

Housing plots are primarily reserved for those that do well in these criteria areas:

1. Willingness to spend time with the city. Be it roleplaying, building and maintaining a property or market stall, helping with gathering materials, this is the most critical thing to pass.
If you're just interested in a house here for the sake of a house here, you must understand that you'll be lower down on the priority list. Active, helpful players take top priority.

2. Suitability for character. If you want an expensive plot, you need to somehow justify it to me with who you intend to play as. It doesn't need to be a strong justification if you're suiting the other categories, but I MUST have reasons for why you're interested in living above the clouds.
Importance to the general roleplay-scape and political climate are certainly a plus here, and the city will have places, eventually, for the noble houses to show their grandeur.

3. Willingness to help fund the place. Plots are expensive. Disks are expensive. Each one that goes up contains 32 plots, costs roughly 80,000 radiants, and current plans put the total size of the city at 32 branch disks total.
This is a total sum of 2,560,000 radiants. I will not require helping with the costs of the place of residents, and I will not charge rent, or taxes.
But I need the help, and I need to ask for it. If people want to see certain things built, they can donate towards a specific disk or feature, and when it's total peaks out, up that feature goes. I can build these disks fairly quickly, as I have a great deal of blueprints and designs already created.
The biggest stopgap is, in all honesty, the price of plots.

4. Roleplaying Ability: If you want to take a major role in the city, and it suits your character, I actually want you to be a competent roleplayer. You don't need to be an immersed actor, but you also cannot be 12 feet tall with glowing violet eyes while being possessed by three demons and an antelope.

5. Integrity and Attitude: If you act like a jerk, don't count on being welcomed. Griefing, stealing, and generally inconsiderate behavior will simply not be tolerated.
It helps an application if you are either a trusted member of the community and/or have some willing to vouch for you.

I will, in fact, ONLY CONSIDER APPLICATIONS MADE IN THIS THREAD. Asking me in-game will not avail you residency.

I am not creating any sort of template for people to follow. Any application can be made as you wish. It will reveal much more about you in this way.

Following this I shall reserve several posts, for additional screenshots and other details. The final post shall have an all-clear to post.


Non sum qualis eram
The eventual plan is for each district to be mostly self-governing. To that effect, I am encouraging the first few people to show intense interest to take up their own leadership roles.

I myself will be handling the Air Quarter. Because it is more of a personal project than the other districts, I will be devoting my time to it last.

I will be the last person to have a home in my city, it's only fair.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm considering taking up a leading position in the Water Section, but I'm wondering whether or not there will be somewhat of a democracy here. Plus, my character is somewhat of a mechanist so I'm also interested in the Air Section when you are done.


Non sum qualis eram
The intended political structure:

Each Quarter has a governing council, which people will be appointed to if they demonstrate substantial initiative and leadership for their Quarter. Each of these councils is responsible for the development and upkeep of their respective Quarters, and each will get their own spiffy council chambers.

Each council effectively forms an oligarchy for their respective Quarters. There is no democracy involved in becoming a member of the council of a quarter. (Though I also must say if someone has popular assent to join it, they are obviously doing something right and wouldn't have a hard time convincing me.)

Within the council, members can, by whatever means they decide on (I expect voting of some kind, in the end), select an individual to represent their quarter in the central council, which would meet to determine policy affecting the entire city.


Basil Brush Hawklight is the single RP character that I have public knowledge of, and roleplaying experiance with, who, by roleplaying reputation alone, has earned a place in the fire district if he would like one. He is quite honestly the first person I think of when I think of roleplayers associated with the element. If you're interested in an Upper Class or Middle Class Plot in the district, let me know. (Any leadership role would nonetheless have to be earned.)


Magus of Nothing
I'll help in any way possible. I love to build yet never really have the space/time to do it so if you want someone who is happy to just place blocks wherever they are told to I'm your man. I'll also spend some time Rp'ing here, whether you want me there or not.

Love the idea for the city by the way, and it seems like it's going to be huge...

There is one disclaimer however;
(I am not responsible for any 12 foot ninja-demon assassins that follow me around.)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm interested in a place in the Air Quarter, but until you have finished what you wish to do there I could help construct the other Quarters.


Lord of Altera
I would love some sort of religious work, RP-wise. That aside, I'm a very decent builder.
I'll probably post some pictures of my work if you're interested, but consider this my application to coming and helping and living in your awesome project. I'm literally speechless at its potential.

I'm also bored to death right now, so I'm available for anything, be it a big or small construction.


I think I might like it here
In character: A place where knowledge, higher learning, and research are the socially accepted norms? I must have died and gone to the Aether.

Out of Character: I would be an honor to help build and maintain your city's library if you'll allow me.


I think I might like it here
I'm ashamed that it's taken me this long to find this thread. As always, I'll be donating a large majority of my funds to the city. I've already put in over 200k Rads and have a chest of diamonds for the temple. Soon I'll be donating another 100k to the fire district so we can build the next housing disk. We already have a builder for this and all the supplies we need. Ten days and I'll have all 1476 diamonds needed for the temple. *empties the server of all it's diamonds*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
This... is amazing. My own donation won't be much, but I hope the best for this city!

May Rota Magna fly for an eternity