Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Commissions [Closed]


Lord of Altera
Character Name(s): Renee Bellrose
Character Profile(s): In my signature
Skin File or Image(s):

: Tough choice... style 1digital cuz it cool
Pose, expression, mood, etc: She's very serious and determined. She has an almost air of power and determination. She knows when to be formal and when it's time to fight. As for a pose? Either a battle stance or a pretty pose idk I'm tired
Props or any extra thingies: She wears a silver bracelet that's on the main pic in her profile
Payment method (rads, ca$h money, food, limbs, etc): Radz
Thx u da best :heart:


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
Character Name(s): Renee Bellrose
Character Profile(s): In my signature
Skin File or Image(s):

: Tough choice... style 1digital cuz it cool
Pose, expression, mood, etc: She's very serious and determined. She has an almost air of power and determination. She knows when to be formal and when it's time to fight. As for a pose? Either a battle stance or a pretty pose idk I'm tired
Props or any extra thingies: She wears a silver bracelet that's on the main pic in her profile
Payment method (rads, ca$h money, food, limbs, etc): Radz
Thx u da best :heart:

i gotchu fam


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
Character Name(s): Aspen
Character Profile(s): Signature
Skin File or Image(s):
u know what I look like
Style: Pencil - Style 3
Pose, expression, mood, etc: I want him to be frying taters
Props or any extra thingies: taters, fire, pan
Payment method (rads, ca$h money, food, limbs, etc): Radiants, I'll see if I can buy you a pizza.


Lord of Altera
I'll be making a convo with my request probably later today, but I wanted to ask a quick question before hand.

You said if people were already on the que(Which I was), they get the first digital version for 3k instead of 5k. If I were to pay to add another person in, would it only be 6k then? Or would the price be 8k?

Mind you this doesn't really make that large of a difference. I just wanna make sure I know what I'm paying. c:


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
I'll be making a convo with my request probably later today, but I wanted to ask a quick question before hand.

You said if people were already on the que(Which I was), they get the first digital version for 3k instead of 5k. If I were to pay to add another person in, would it only be 6k then? Or would the price be 8k?

Mind you this doesn't really make that large of a difference. I just wanna make sure I know what I'm paying. c:
6k ye


Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
hello hello- i have finally overcome my art block of jason's goddamn face (reeeeiiiiii Glados Rygan ) and am back 2 the commissions yes
here is updoot pic



Guardian Of The Vibes
Server Outreach
right so this is a thing-here's the by and by of it: for the last while i've been too much of a lazy depressed asshole to do art, due to medication issues, real life occurrences, and the results of my ap portfolio not panning out. so:

un-queue yourself if you want, if you're pissed, i get you. digital art is something i've realized i can't feasibly do in a reasonable amount of time-i don't enjoy it, don't like the outcome, and overall it makes me a mad dissatisfied goober. so, from now on i'll be offering a much more... cartoony? digital style, but it'll be quicker, and a result that i'm ok with sharing. so, yeah, this is awkward. my bad, guys. i'll get the fuck to work now.



Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
I um, I went to look over the steps of getting a commission done and I'm already on the queue? I have no memory of this.

I'd love the spot though...