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[Council Candidate] Bernard von Briarwood


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
⋞{ ! }⋟

Posters are pinned around the Landing.


For those who do not know me, I am Bernard von Briarwood. My name may be recognizable to those who have read the editor’s
credits in many of the Weekly Revelation papers. I have spent many weeks interviewing people, and listening to your complaints
of the city. I have witnessed folks who have had their lives upended completely, made much worse or much better by moving
their families to the Landing. While I was not born anywhere near this city, it has been where I have lived for almost all of
my adolescence, and I consider it home.

If you subscribe to any local newspaper, you may pick up on the more dour aspects of what life here has to offer.
The safety of the slums is always a risk, with the neighborhood being the most crime-ridden section of the city by
far. Businesses in the area will sell their wares at a dirt cheap price in order to allow for customers to even have
the ability to buy basic necessities. Those with more money are easily able to bypass fines that could devastate
another family. Despite this, such injustices go unnoticed amongst the hoards of supernatural influence the
Landing is subjected to.


If I am elected, I plan to advocate for the following;

Restorative Justice for Non-Violent Crimes

Punitive justice has proved to be an ineffective form of punishment in the Landing. With crime rates at a consistently
high rate, and reoffenders being all too common, efforts to focus on more restorative justice will be brought forth.
Rehabilitation for those who commit crimes, and working with inmates can be a much more humane option, especially
for those who have underlying issues.

Giving Voice to the People

Given that the entire point of an election is to allow citizens to have a say in their representatives, it is only fair
that they should be given the ability to advocate for themselves if they so choose. If I am elected, I will add a day
each month where every citizen, regardless of class or status, can bring their issues to the Council, sharing their
complaints with the government and city. Each person will be listened to, and the day will be considered a holiday,
so none have to give up work to attend.

Expansions of Social Programs

To highlight the works done by the charities and upstanding programmes which citizens have contributed, I
plan to propose a greater collaboration between the government and Magnolia Charity, along with other
organizations within the city to foster growth amongst the lower class, with plans to allocate a portion of taxes
towards the non-profits. If I am elected, I will also propose a plan to give a monthly salary to each impoverished
family in the Landing, with money and food being granted based upon income and persons in each home.

Addition of Protective Laws

As it stands, many of the laws currently in place in the Landing are meant to cover crimes, and to enact justice
amongst the criminal. However, there is a severe lack of laws that aim to protect the rights and safety of the general
public. If I am elected, I plan to enact legislation that will guarantee individuals the right to their own intellectual
property, prohibit the discrimination against any sort of folk without justifiable cause, and create more standardized
care for those of all walks of life. This will be in conjunction with my efforts to reform the prison system into a
more rehabilitative facility, as mentioned above.

Additionally, I plan on adding smaller features if elected;

• Adding rewards for actions that benefit the common good, such as a monetary reward or honorary title.

• Establishing a government-funded food bank and donation centre, which local businesses can
contribute to if they cannot in good faith sell their products, so that those of lesser status may have access to necessities.

• Creating shelters for those who are in assistance of safety and assistance, as per expansion with the Magnolia Charity.

• Creating centres for leisure where one can learn about creative arts, and farmers markets where folks can trade their crafts.


I sincerely wish all of those who run in this election the best of luck.

For all who wish to know more, please leave your contact information
at the Eidolon Music Hall, and I will happily get back to you.


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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
These posters are slowly put up around the city once more. They're nearly identical to before, though a new line has been added to the bottom.