Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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D and Wark's Enchanted Books!


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. My friend Warkell and I have recently begun putting our investments and experience towards enchanting books, so that people may buy them and put them to good use!
We will be enchanting and updating the list as often as we can, with the levels ranging from 1-30; although level 30 enchants may be more difficult to acquire.

The pricing depends on what level the enchant is. For example, if you wanted to buy a bow enchanted with Power I - it would cost you 1k. Power II would cost 2k, and so on. To buy, simply contact myself or Warkell in-game, on the forums, or reply to this post.

-Efficiency I
-Punch I
-Fire Protection II
-Sharpness I
-Bane of Arthropods I
-Unbreaking I
-Protection I
-Bane of Arthropods I
-Smite II
-Feather Falling I
-Knockback I
-Smite II
-Bane of Arthropods II
-Unbreaking II
-Sharpness I
-Sharpness I
-Power I
-Fire Protection IV
-Protection I
-Power II
-Protection I
-Power I


Legend of Altera
Alright-y. As I'm sure you're aware, that'll be 1k. :p Next time you see one of us ingame, just poke us, and we'll make the deal.