Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dasachi [Declined-Man5791]


1. Dasachi

2. 22

3. Virginia, USA

4. No, but i will soon. As in the next hour.

5. My name is Dasachi. You can call me Dasa for short if you like. Im an avid minecraft player. Been playing since its first beta release.
I have run 4 different servers in the past 3 years. Each with its own varying degrees of success. My strengths are decorative building. I really enjoy taking on one project at a time and building each piece with detail to get an outstanding overall look. I take pride in my work and am no fond of others wrecking it.
My weakness would have to be my job. Im a corpsman in the Navy and the shift i work is an odd shift. I work nights from 1900 to 0700. However i do not work every day. Its more of a 2 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 days on, 3 days off. Repeat.

6. No examples of my work. I dont generally post it online.

7. I roleplayed in WoW, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR.

8. Found out about hollowworld on /r/hexxit. Lol

Character Name: Dasachi

Age: 22

Race: Elf

Appearance: Shirtless with black cloth pants. Black boots, Black fingerless gloves.
Black tendrils that extend and move around his back, chest, and arms.

Story: Beware. Its 929 Words.

Born in the forests near Timbervale. Dasachi grew up with his Elven mother Alayara and his brother and sister. Illium & Chandri. They never knew their father. Mother said he was the birthchild of a Human and an Elf. But that was all she would tell them.

From a toddler Dasachi showed exceptional skill in learning to walk and talk. He was a curious child. Always getting into trouble and wandering off. As he grew he followed his older brother everywhere. He formed a very strong bond with him.

Illium taught Dasachi everything he knew. How to track, how to hunt, how to skin an animal and craft it into suitable armor.

On Dasachi's 16th birthday, Illium brought him his very own bow. He called it Serathias. Illium told him it had the power to knock any foe back with the force of 100 punches.

A few years after that, Illium passed away. Getting bested in an unfortunate conflict with 2 bears.

Dasachi was heartbroken. His sister and mother tried to comfort him, but to no avail. He had never been real close with either of them.

Shortly after the death of his brother, Dasachi ran away to Timbervale. He wanted to leave the forest. Get away from all of it. He no longer wished to do the things that once gave him so much joy. He sold his bow to a merchant. Glad to be rid of something that now caused him grief.

Hunting no longer made his adrenaline rush. It only made him want to burst into tears. He prayed to the goddess Shalherana for wisdom and guidance.

In Timbervale, Dasachi worked as a servant for House Pinecrest for many years. There he met a beautiful Silver Elven woman by the name of Visola. They saw each other everyday. Visola taught Dasachi how to read and play the lute. This world was different, new, and exciting. Nothing like he had ever seen before. Dasachi quickly became attached to her. He had found someone he could share a bond with almost as strong as his brothers.

One evening Visola asked Dasachi to follow her outside the castle. He agreedand they ran to the docks, where they stole a small boat and sailed to Cyprus.

There they got jobs working in the inn. Visola a barmaid, and Dasachi a janitor. Cleaning up after drunks. This is where Dasachi go into his first fight. A few months into it, one night some men came in, sailors.

Most likely pirates. They were calm at first, but after a few drinks, they quickly became unstable. They grabbed at Visola and hooped and hollered. Dasachi was furious, but kept his tongue out of fear. The men had swords and all Dasachi had was a broom.

After repeatably refusing their advances one of the men became violent and struck her. Dasachi became enrage and could watch no longer. Adrenaline rushed through his body as he ran up to the man and struck him in the head with the end of his broom. He was suprised when he knocked the man out cold.

Visola grabbed Dasachis arm and yelled at him to calm down, but he heard nothing. All he saw was red. There were 4 other men at the table, Each arose and unsheathed their swords.

The first two rushed at Dasachi. Fear over took him and he quickly ducked and ran behind a table.
He looked around, searched for anything in reach, but all their was were cups and plates. He threw the dishes in a frantic haze. But they had no effect.

The first man came around the table towards him, slashing at him. Dasachi jumped back. This repeated 4 times until Dasachi fell. With nowhere to run and nothing to defend himself but a broom he rose to block. But the man cut through it like butter.

As he came down for the final blow, Dasachi's life flashed before his eyes and he could see his brother. He said only one thing, "This is not your end."

At this time, Dasachi felt something new inside him. Or rather, a lack of something. He felt no fear. As he lay there watching the sword come down, it felt as if the world around him was moving at a slower pace than he.

He moved his head the right just slightly as the sword came down next to his face. Visola screamed. Dasachi grabbed the mans wrist and twisted his whole body so that now Dasachi was now on top. He struck the man in the face twice, grabbed the sword and sliced his neck.

The 3 other men were taken aback. Dasachi used this to his advantage. Quickly throwing the sword to strike one man in the chest.

The 2 other men, quickly came to, rushing at Dasachi swords raised. One stumbled and Dasachi quickly sidestepped to him, grabbing his arm and thrusting his sword into his stomach, causing him to wretch.

The last man swung. Dasachi twisted his body, still holding the mans arm, he pulled the sword out and blocked the blow just barely. He swung, but the man blocked it. They exchanged a few blows. Each gaining and losing ground.

Finally the man lost his balance, only slightly. But it was enough. Dasachi ducked under the mans swing, cut his arm off and stabbed him through the heart.

The battle had lasted 5 minutes, but it only felt like a few seconds to Dasachi. Visola rushed to him, hugging him tight. He quickly relaxed and realized what had happened.

He dropped the sword immediately and held her tight. At that moment he felt something different towards Visola. Love.

As this story ends, and new one begins. Untold. What will happen to Dasachi and Visola? Only time will tell.
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