Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Dorothea Munnalette


Noble of Altera



Gatinha - Strong





Current Residence:

Social Status:



She stands at 3'8 ft.

She weighs 29lbs.

Eye Color:
Her eyes would be of the same color as her mother's, gray.

Skin Color:
Her skin would have a ivory tone.

Hair Color:
Her hair color would be of the same color as her father's, brown.

oice: [Pinch me]. . 102494


Dear Mother,

I want to say before everything else how much I miss you, I can't wait to feel the warm you illuminate. I don't expect you to forgive me for what happened on Storm's Landing, but I do expect some affection, sentiment or devotion.

I want to feel loved again at least by one person. I want someone to cheer me once again. I want to feel 102511protected.

I don't know if I will ever be able to see you again, so I would like to make some amendments. I know is too late to apologize on behalf of him, the one you once loved, but I wanted to start with him.

It was never your fault nor mine. There was nothing you could do to change his mind. You were always such a good mother, providing everything I once needed and for this, I appreciate what you have done for me.

You may be worried about me, although you shouldn't, if that's the case. All I need to live for now are all of the memories we made together, that's sufficient for me.102485

Remember that time you cut my hair, the strands could be seen floating thanks to the air. Your soft hands touching my head, and the smell of wood burning outside.

Even though I am not as caring enough to think too much about my physique, I still take the time to fix my appearance sometimes, just to remember that time.

Don't worry, I still have those gray eyes of yours complemented by your fair complexion. If I remember well, last time I saw my reflection on a small puddle I still had my father's hair color as well as the texture of this one. I guess I haven't changed so much, huh. After all, I am still the same Dorothea I once was.

I still have the same feelings I used to have. I still want to study and explore new things like you once did. I still want to educate myself in a intellectual aspect.
I am sorry for not telling you how I got kicked out of FrostWarts. I am sorry for being a disappointment. I wanted to tell you in some other way, but it seems like this is my last resort.

Enough talk about me. How is the library going? Is it still standing?

Remember that time we moved all the way from Halbed to Storm's Landing. I still haven't figured out how we managed to do something so enormous. I am so glad Uncle Letton let us stay by his side until we managed to handle ourselves by our own. It is such a pleasing feeling to know there's someone out there that cares about you no matter what, isn't it. I will always care about you. Always.

With all the love in the universe,

Your little girl, Dorothea.


Kill Count:

Malloc Cain - "His knife seemed usable."

Death Count:

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