Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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DrLemonlime1 Application [Declined - Bellonthewise]

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  1. Drlemonlime1
  2. 17
  3. Male
  4. USA
  5. a. Yes b. Yes
  6. My character type would be kind of a thief/rouge halfblood, who has long brown hair and lite blue eyes. He is young so he doesn't have many age marks, or scars, and he wears darker clothes to stay hidden in the night.
  7. I like playing basketball, soccer, and swim. I also am a huge gamer, and most people don't know because I am more of a jock. I have been a gamer for about, maybe.... well, since I was 6 or so. I have had Minecraft since Indev, and I have put in, roughly around 500 hours maybe, but maybe more or less. So I guess you could say MC is one of my favorite games, along with the original Fable, Borderlands, Fallout, and Halo. Call of duty (in my opinion) is for noobs. Not everyone that plays it is a noob though. :D
  8. I don't really have any screen caps or vids, but building is something I do best.
  9. I'm just really excited to start playing and RPing with everyone.
  10. Yes
  11. My friend (zazmaquin) told me about it and we have played on a couple rp servers (the biggest being The Lord of the Craft) and we didn't like them, but he really likes this one, so I'd figure I'd give it a go.
  12. Yes, I have
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