Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Dungeon] Understanding Alchemy [Signup]


Lord of Altera
Who | Public
Rating | Violent
Where | New Soolera Underground
When | Scheduled
What | Recent expeditions have uncovered the illegal production of something alchemical in nature in the New Sooleran sewers.
The council seeks to end this. A group of adventurers are hired to find the source, cease this production, and cull or capture these alchemists.
DM | Snowymaximus

Going to do something a little different for this one, see how it works out.
I'd like to ask one person to signup a party that's interested in attempting this dungeon, and we'll schedule a time.
Max party of 6. This will be geared for well coordinated parties, and/or higher tiered folk.
You're free to follow the councils instructions, or not.

Party Name:
Party Character Names and Profiles:

Apart of the What We Sow event chain
Join the New Sool discord for event updates​
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