Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Dwelling] StormGuard


Loyal Servant of Altera
(better info will be added in the future)

Settlement Name: StormGuard
Mayor: toughguyrm
Current Wealth: 50,000
X: Y: Z: The town has not been created yet, we need to find a good spot.
Population: 1
Link to location on map: Again, not created yet
Daily Tax Rate: Taxes? Bah, no taxes for you.
Cheapest Plot Cost: Absolutely Free
Biggest Plot Cost: Absolutely Free

Description / Introduction: Stormguard, a lovely little town created even before the dawn of gods and Altera itself. Before the civilization management reffered to as towny. Stormguard collapsed to the hands of this management system, and all hope of the town existing seized. However, now the town makes one last move to stand again. The town is led by Sventar (Toughguyrm) ex-co mayor of the original StormGuard. The town is ruled over by him, and the elected and voted for co-mayors. The town aims to improve roleplay as much as possible. It aims to make a very excellent community that can function within itself without the need of external assistance or influence. This town aims to make almost every function in the town Roleplay relatable. The town's entrance is closely ressembled to the original Stormguard, but the rest of the town has it's own potential to unlock.

Screenshots: None Yet

Residents: Toughguyrm

Want to Join? Application Below

IG Name:

RP Name:

Were you a member of the old stormguard?: (These people get extra benefits, for they are veterans)

Why do you wish to join?:

What can you hope to contribute to the town?:

What is your RP Role speciality?:


Loyal Servant of Altera
I hadn't realized you made an application yet kara :p i am deciding between a few, i will message you the co-ordinates when i pick.


Lord of Altera
IG Name: Karasu1996

RP Name: Ari Torke

Were you a member of the old stormguard?: (These people get extra benefits, for they are veterans)
Why do you wish to join?:
To help re-build the town that once stood above the rest.
What can you hope to contribute to the town?:
mostly building and plans.
What is your RP Role speciality?:
Diplomacy, along with teaching and drama/action.


Loyal Servant of Altera
IG Name: Karasu1996

RP Name: Ari Torke

Were you a member of the old stormguard?: (These people get extra benefits, for they are veterans)
Why do you wish to join?:
To help re-build the town that once stood above the rest.
What can you hope to contribute to the town?:
mostly building and plans.
What is your RP Role speciality?:
Diplomacy, along with teaching and drama/action.