Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Echo in The Shadows ; Character Profile

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Amanda Chang

Name: Elizabeth ; Last name is unknown
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Echo is her self made alias, most people call her that as they do not know her real name
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Height: near 5' 6'', it has never been officially recorded
Weight: 100lb - 110lb
Hair: a Hazel Brown
Eyes: Bright Blue, a little bit of teal
Skin: Stony White/Light Grey
Identifying Marks: Purple marking on her right cheek that looks like a star, light scar on her shoulder
Appearance: Is often seen wearing decent clothing, most often fit for hunting
Strengths: After living alone, a need for food has taught her to hunt with a bow and some basic farming methods, and her stealing has taught her everything she has needed to know in terms of charm and deception
Weaknesses and fears: Close Combat, Failure, Swordplay and Romance, As she fails in creating it and continuing it.
Religion and cult: None
Profession: She does not have an official occupation. she thieves but is willing to help those in need
Back story:
Six years ago there was a fire, a fire that engulfed a wealthy family's entire house. Two days later a body was found in the rubble. That was little Elizabeth. The townsfolk attempted to coax her into their homes but she stayed at the wreckage for 6 days, searching for her parents. She knew they weren't dead, and she knew it was an accident, But most of all she knew she would never find them. She set out into the forest in the middle of a hot summer night. She remembered all the lessons her father had given her as well, she was able to fend for her self decently. After a year in the forest she had learned to be self sufficient and no longer look for help, she had mixed emotions toward humanity, anger at the fact they wouldn't help her, envy at their glamorous lives, and pity at their inability to do what the little girl could. Elizabeth worked hard in the forest, and soon grew used to the silence. When she was 13 she encountered a bear, attempted to hunt it and discovered she had no skill in any type of close ranged combat, and also earning herself a deep scar on her shoulder. She soon realised an easier and much dangerous way to survive, was to simply use her newfound skills to take things from other people.​


Lord of Altera
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