Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Eira Falk [WIP]


Eira Falk .
Name: Eira Falk
Full Titles: Miss.
Nickname/Alias: Era, Falcon.


Key Information .
Age: 25
Gender: Female.
Race: Human
⤍ Kaltic.
Social Status: Commoner.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: 5’9.
Weight: 80 kg.
Current Home: N/a.
Languages: Common, Rede (Commoner)
Profession: N/a.

Physiology .
Build: Endomorph.
Hair: Brown, wavy. Often kept down.
Eyes: Brown, with golden/orange hues.
Skin: Pale, with some identifying time in the sun.
Identifying Marks: N/a.
Appearance: Usually well-kept, her hair is often kept down and styled. On days that it’s up, it’s braided in with either plants or strings of gold.
Clothing: She wears simple clothing for everyday happenings, and cherishes precious outfits and will often adorn herself with gold platings along her formal wear.
Weaponry: N/a.
Prized Possessions: N/a.
Hygiene: Good.
Voice: Racquel Belmonte.


Ethics and Motivations .

Personality .

⤍ Flexible: Eira is as flexible and adaptive as the wind conforming around a tree. Able to change her mind, her tactics, and her plans at any given second, she is not held down by her own bounds - and it’s very hard to get her to agree to a set plan. There’s always room for errors, and there will always be improvising.
⤍ Persistent: When she does have a goal, she’s on that path until she gets it or dies trying. Paired with being flexible, there’s nothing that will stop her once she has made up her mind.
⤍ Disinterested: Eira cannot be bothered with a lot of things, and it has to align with her goals for her to be interested. The same goes for people - if they do not grab her attention, it’s near impossible for her to even pretend to enjoy their company.
⤍ Wild: Wild and relentless, Eira does not conform to most expectations one may put on her. She had been tamed for the sake of her mother for the majority of her life, and now in adulthood, she’s letting her shackles loose and going to live how she deems to in the moment.

Religion or Cults: N/a.
Alignment: Lawful neutral (?) (debatable)

Short Term Goals:
⤍ Find a house or lodging.
⤍ Get a job.
⤍ Get some damn food.
⤍ Get a better weapon.
Long Term Goals:
⤍ Don’t die.

Backstory .

Hailing from the North, Eira had been born in autumn at midday, her mother’s misery unheard and silent. A few hours after her birth, the medics did everything they could to keep her mother alive - and they did, but at the cost of her permanent health. Her father had been distant since then, not risking another birth that could end her mother.

Prior to Eira’s perilous birth, she had an older brother of 5 years. During the recovery period of their mother, her brother took care of her where he could. He learned to dress her, bring her to her mother for routine feeding, and when she was weaned, he would be the one to introduce solid food to her. As he grew older, he had his own responsibilities, and began to teach her to be independent while their father worked and her mother was still gathering strength for the past few years.

As the years went by and their mother began to mobilise herself, Eira took an interest in herbs, cooking and medicine. She’d learn basic skills like fixing clothing and cleaning from her mother, and when her brother was around, she’d rough house with him and get her childish antics out through him. She never had much interaction with her father, but that was fine - he was simply distant, but provided for them and gave her advice when she got stuck on certain things. He was a stoic father, but it didn’t necessarily mean he was a bad father.

As she grew up, her interest in medicines and cooking came to the forefront. Now in her teenage years, she was always researching and giving her mother something to try, noting the differences in her energy, her mobility, and how much she could do in a year. Her mother had started to work again at this point in time, tailoring and adjusting clothes for the local village folk. She couldn’t do much, but it was something - and she saw her father smile for the first time when he walked in and saw his wife walking and working. From there, their lives were much more in sync. Her brother had joined the military, her father was around and interacting with them a lot more, and her mother was simply living. That left Eira - who felt conflicted.

There was something that was bothering her, a deep unseated feeling that wouldn’t go away. What was her purpose? She’d dedicated her life thus far to helping her mother. She had tested every medicine she gave to her mother on herself first to ensure she didn’t hurt or harm her mother further, and she was willing to do it all over again - but her mother was fine enough now. She was able to take her dedicated daily medicine by herself, and she wasn’t getting worse. Things were at a standstill for Eira.

On her 25th birthday, she went to a local cliff that she and her brother used to play on, staring out at the cold of the mountains. Autumn was a safe time for her, and it showed in her posture. She sighed, leaning back on the blanket she brought when her brother sat next to her. He was still in his gambeson, and she quirked a brow.

“You haven’t been the same lately.” He said, and she pursed her lip. She didn’t respond - what could she say? He sighed, looking back out. “Mum is fine, you know. Dad is happier. I.. might leave. You should join. Just.. get out of here. See more of the world. Expand our skills.”

“I’ll think about it.” She hummed, leaning her head on his shoulder. He patted her head, and the rest was unnecessary. She packed up a week later, said her goodbyes, and she was off before he was - she wanted to do it alone. She’d meet up with him again when it would be time for their paths to cross.

My in-game name is: myceliumhoney
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