Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Europa Universalis Evenings!


Lord of Altera
So yuppers, Guys,

both games were fantastic, just tell me whenever you lads wish to continue the main game.

On another point now, we have succeeded in making the Old Gods save work, which means we're getting a brand new (or almost) universe to play in, sexies!

Just poke whenever you have a suggestion to play, and i'll check us up.

Btw, I dib on Novgorod for the next major game we do, after the current one.


Lord of Altera
You get to create entirely new countries too from your conquests, as well as FINALLY being able to control sieges (so your allies dont siege provinces you want in a war :D :D).

Also sell surplus ships as well as rebel support wars :D

Also revolt risk is getting replaced by unrest, where it HAS to reach 100% to rebel, rather than just be random bs :D

Pretty sure this is the god-tier dlc tbh.

Also, being able to remake Dacian empire OP.


Lord of Altera
What about continuing the regular game this friday, same hours, same day as always?

Maybe we could swap the games, considering we have some lads (Tywin...) who can't really play on the fridays with saturday, having the Old Gods game on friday instead?

What do you think, everyone?


Lord of Altera
Gods and Kings was crap, BNW is the only good one...

Also, can I suggest we all play same-powers in the Old Gods game? It's kinda boring if we have a West Francia or Lotharingia because it's literally a roflstomp game...


Lord of Altera
Gods and Kings was crap, BNW is the only good one...

Also, can I suggest we all play same-powers in the Old Gods game? It's kinda boring if we have a West Francia or Lotharingia because it's literally a roflstomp game...
Well, we can have a Abbasids, a Byzantium, an Aztec, an Inca, etc

besides, the Karlings aren't that easy, they keep backstabbing eachother, I tried them a couple of times.

Byzantium still stronger, i tell you


Lord of Altera
Well, we can have a Abbasids, a Byzantium, an Aztec, an Inca, etc

besides, the Karlings aren't that easy, they keep backstabbing eachother, I tried them a couple of times.

Byzantium still stronger, i tell you
NO byzantium, thas a rule yo


Lord of Altera
Well, we can have a Abbasids, a Byzantium, an Aztec, an Inca, etc

besides, the Karlings aren't that easy, they keep backstabbing eachother, I tried them a couple of times.

Byzantium still stronger, i tell you
The only Karling Kingdom with any difficulty whatsoever is East Francia because their vassals are stronger than it, Saxony wins the independence war so easily.

People are actually playing Aztec and Inca? o.o

I dunno I just find the game kinda boring if we all start off as empires/big kingdoms...when the goal of the game is to make your own.


Lord of Altera
The only Karling Kingdom with any difficulty whatsoever is East Francia because their vassals are stronger than it, Saxony wins the independence war so easily.

People are actually playing Aztec and Inca? o.o

I dunno I just find the game kinda boring if we all start off as empires/big kingdoms...when the goal of the game is to make your own.
Well Tang, i dunno, it makes change you know, from the regular map everyone knows...