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Fárin Góslin

Lord Samuel

Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Fárin Góslin
Nickname/Alias: The Dármir Dwarf
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Height: 3 Feet 4 Inches (110cm)
Weight: 9 Stone, 126 Pounds, 57kg
Hair: Red hair and red beard
Eyes: Very large light and dark blue with Crystal Hints
Skin: True Dwarven skin
Identifying Marks: None that are visable other than his red big beard
Appearance: Fárin is an incredible good miner that likes to fight with an axe and is incredible good at drinking beer and likes to eat salted pork with dwarven beer likes to fight bandits and orcs.
Strengths: When Fárin is drunk he is incredible dangerous he smash and slice and cut with his axe he can little bit of magic that is to heal himself if he needs
Weaknesses and fears: His weaknes is that he dont have armour on his body just bracelets on his arms but no more. Fárin's fear is when he was a child he was treaten by a bandit that the balrog will take him to the deep caves and eat him. Sometimes Fárin is scared to go down in to a mine that has been abandoned for years.
Religion and cults: Fárin's relegion is going away sience they had an bandit in his family the code word they said every morning before they eat breakfast "Never a bandit will never become a bandit in Your life". I dont have any cluts sorry
Profession: Fárin is a incredible miner, wood cuter and fighter he does never give up he wants to ahve the stuff going on for ever for E.G. Drinking competition and wars against orcs and goblins.

Story: Fárin Góslin was born in loney mountain with his father Thórin Góslin his mother died after he was born. His father died when fárin was 24 years his father was killed by an orc arrow in his right chest when he first saw his father after the orc scout shot him He was mad he started to dres up with all sort of armour and started looking for that orc village some rumors said that his father was killed by an goblin but Fárin said it was an orc. Fárin is still looking for the orc village but has taken a break of his searching for the village. So Fárin is just trying to find home to lonly mountain but when he gets home he sees that the city is ruinded he sees orcs over his head the are walking on a hang bridge he gets rage and puls out his axe and runing up to the brige and atacking the orcs finally all the orcs on the bridge die then he sees his fear "The balrog" The balrog starts killing the orcs and the orcs are flying every where Fárin starts to run he runs to the human city and says to the wizard that there is a balrog in lonly mountain. but when they are there there is no balrog but when they are turning to walk away they hear loud stomps they look behind them selves and there they see The balrog Fa´rin runs away to the city agina but then no one has seen him agine.He came to altera beacuse he heard there where no balrogs there. He became where happy and took 20 stouts of beer but after he sleept on the floor the bar whas broken the door had been smashed down but then he was finaly on his way to altera and thats how the story ends.