Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fadast Clawheart


Magus of Nothing
Name: Fadast Clawheart
Nickname/Alias: None
Age: 28
Gender: None
Race: Greyling
Build: Looks thin.
Hair: None
Eyes: Blue.
Skin: Green/grey
Tattoos/Scars: None
Distinguishing Features: His large ears, and the fact he's a greyling.
Traits or Blessings: None.
Physical Flaws: He is short and skinny, not exactly strong.
Physical Qualities: His claws and teeth.
Clothes: Leathers, they smell of.. something unpleasant.
Hygiene: What is that?
Voice: Imagine Smeagol, but deeper.
Family Heritage: Birthing Pits, knows one birthing brother, Dratoz.
Worships: Anything that will help him at that point.
Disabilities/Illnesses: None.
Intelligence Level: He possess a sharp cunning, but his general intelligence is not great.
Known Languages: Greyling, Understandable Common
Title: None.
Political alignment: Greyling.Personality: His personality is harsh, like most greylings. He hates any non greyling and will kill someone just to rid the world of another 'sunlover'.
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: He fears losing his brother. The sun is something he dislikes, as it hurts his eyes.
Short Term Goals: None, he lives as life comes.
Long Term Goals: None, he lives life as it comes.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Profession: Poisons Master
Hometown: None
Current Home: The alleys of Port Silver.

Color: Grey.
Food/drinks: Elf flesh.
Animal: Cave bat.
Activity: Brewing up poisons.
Person: Dratoz

Least Favorite:
Color: Yellow
Food/drinks: Dwarf flesh
Animal: Cats
Activity: Cleaning newborns
Person: Non-Greylings

The Birthing Pits
I clawed my way, my newborn ears hanging limp and wet against my grey shriveled head. I did not open my eyes, they are useless, now as much as they will ever be. I grab hold of a fleshy mound, a body evidently left for us to feast upon. Suddenly I am grasped by tight hands, pulled out of my warm bath and away from my free food. I hear grunts, those of a large creature, bigger than my brothers. A dash of freezing water splashes over me and I am then layed aside, shivering from the cold. My ears twist and listen to the mewing sounds of the others as they are also cleaned. I feel movement next to me, and then the light scratching of claws upon my stomach. I open my eyes slowly, and squint. I can make out another, a brother of mine. He is my size, and is the only one other than me not crying. I smile. I feel a connection.​
I yawn, stretching my newborn limbs, and open my eyes, I can barely see with them, but something must have woken me. In the gloom I can see a face, leaning over one of my brothers. It is about my size. It has ears and is orange. It's eyes are green. I see it.. licking? my brother. I frown and sit up, using my ears. It is not the harsh rasp of tongue on flesh I hear, but crunching, squelching of my brother's flesh. I scream loudly and it turns to face me. It hisses, and I hiss nervously back, but it is not threatened. It advances on me. Slowly, it knows I cannot run. Slowly, it knows I cannot fight. I shut my eyes, and grab my ears, waiting for the inevitable. For a few seconds I hear it footsteps, then an enormous screech. It screams and screams, this horrid monster. I open my eyes and see one of my brothers on it's back, clawing it's eyes out, biting it's ears. I smile, and rush to help.​
We took down that cat, as I learnt later on it was called. Me and Dratoz. We were the only surivors of it's attack. Nine others were callously killed, then played with...​


Magus of Nothing
I just thought it would be interesting. If you don't like it just say and I'll get rid of it.