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Finished [February 5th] The Noble's Ball {Moderate}


Lord of Altera
The House de Courtnay are pleased to invite you to a grand ball. The afternoon will be spent with festivities such as dancing and competitions, and the evening with a fantastic feast. This is a continuation of the Marrian event, The Noble’s Ball.

We are proud to announce that this month, the Lady Arabella of de Courtnay will be running competitions, such as:
+ A raffle, that will have a scaling prize for however many enter it. The starting prize will be at 5,000 radiants, and with more entries into it, it will go up in total prize.
+ A best dressed award, given to the person or group to best match the theme of the ball.
+ A couple's best dance award, given to the best dancer duo of the ball. The prize is also 2,500 radiants.

All guests are permitted to invite a courtier or family member. You are welcome to bring along handmaidens/squires.
Entertainment will be provided, as well as refreshments served by well-trained servants. This is a formal event and as such, formal wear is required. Any man, woman or child not dressed properly may be turned away. You may have a chance at winning a competition if you are in proper wear.

We hope that this evening will give a chance for all invited to enjoy intelligent conversation and great food, provided by your generous hosts de Courtnay.
~ Lucia de Courtnay, Mistress of Relations, on behalf of the Family de Courtnay.

Originally created by Sir_Ashington & Landem
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Lord of Altera
Date of the Ball
The 5th of February

Time of the Ball

Location of the Ball
Tambry Palace Ballroom

Classification of the Ball
Moderate and Semi-Private.

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Lord of Altera

☩ Lucie Firehelm
☩ Azemar Ironfist
☩ Fania Brus
☩ Tambry Cavaliers


Jack Blackwater


Sponsors and Supporters:

January's theme is:
'Winter's ball'
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Lord of Altera
≡ ۞ Invite List ۞ ≡
Kaiser Peter I (Cap)
+Court and Guards
Elaine (Smurf)
Henry Hotspur (Fishymatt )
Benjamin Hotspur (Fishymatt )
Novinah Hotspur (Sophe)
Favour Hotspur (uncrazygirl)
Fania Brus (Jasper151627237)
Hayley Brus (Jasper151627237)
Brett Hammond (BoredBrit)

‘King’ Ernhardt Blackrose (AdmiralAegir)
+Guards and court
Lady Evaine Blackrose
Lady Alys Norrey (@
Rose Cleary (Firegirl)

Former hosts:
Alanna Rhett (Sir_Ashington)
Iteraldi Seregon (Landem)
Murdoc Marr-Black (Kyle1322)

Charlotte du’Lavoyard (Antilogy)
Sankera fi Faladiir (Sankera)
Henri Bayard (Archbishop)
Bimhe Onyxheart (Archbishop)
Cedric Lydel (Balatro)

House Kane:
Niah Kane (Niek Morenta)
Alistair Kane (The Living Ghost)
Alison (Elz)

Ciaria Caedit (BrianAT16)

◇ Elven council:
Albiorox (Estes241)
Vevila Draugus (Sizzix)
Daeron Eldrin (Jstar)

◇ Lonmar:
Jarl Freya (Faelin)
+Guards and Court
Willaim Eldsvart (Paint)

◇ Dwarves:
King Erik Stonefist (BoredBrit)
+ Guards and Such

◇ Arget Isle:
Azure Cerridwen (Immerael)
Nireth Cerridwen (Lady Alec)
Alexander Wise (Ddaug02)

◇ Varyn:
Lord Godric Varyn (TheDeester)
Sir Jeor Varyn (Arken)

◇ Fuvur
Lord Nwalme Fuvur (blargtheawesome)
Lady Nylarii Fuvur (Elz)
Evelyn Veileth-Fuvur (Lannis)
Tzemik Fuvur (ForestRose)
Aryus Fuvur (Mitch)

◇ Others
Ced J'sera (Ced)


All nobles that are recognised by de Courtnay are listed above. If your character isn't there, we encourage you to come RP with either Paint, Cukie1, Tomato150 or Landem. If your character can prove that they are nobility then they are welcome to join the event.
The first two posts are included in the invitation.
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Lord of Altera
✥ Rules & Etiquette ✥

Dress properly, or be looked down upon.
✧ Sleeves for dresses must reach the wrists for the women attending the ball
✧ Shoulders shall must be covered for the women and men attending the ball
✧ Dresses shall not reach above the calves for women attending the ball
✧ Trousers may not reach above the calves of the men and women attending the ball
✧ Removal of any clothes before, or during the ball while you're in the vicinity of the palace will not be allowed.

Respect at the table.
✧ Elbows shall not be rested upon the tables
✧ The high table is reserved for the Royal Family
✧ Loud chatter is frowned upon
✧ Loud eating and drinking is frowned upon
✧ Refrain from excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages
✧ Hands must be cleansed with water before beginning the meal
✧ All food must be eaten with the provided utensils
✧ A prayer must be said before the meal
✧ The Royal Family must start the feast before the lower ranking tables do
✧ The Royal Family must be shown to their seats beforehand
✧ The lower ranking attendees must stand until the Royal Family has been seated

These etiquette rules shall be obeyed.
✧ There shall be no raising of voices before, during or after the Nobles Ball while you're in the vicinity of the ball
✧ Please thank the help when you have been helped
✧ No foul language will be permitted
✧ No violence will be permitted
✧ Any and all weapons will be seized at the entrance
✧ Only those in the Guarding help shall have a weapon
✧Please refrain from excessive physical touching of another member of the ball
✧ Animals or/and pets will not be allowed to enter the Palace, but can be kept outside
✧ Hand Holding is deemed inappropriate, however, linking arms with a family member or your date is fine
✧ Do not greet a superior first; the person with the higher status must speak first
✧An appropriate greeting must be given to all those in higher status than you
✧ Looking away or breaking gaze with a superior is deemed dishonest
✧ Introduce the higher superior to the lowest first - the other way around is seen as a grave insult
✧ To arrive without notifying the hostess is very rude
✧ It is very impolite and rude to sit in the place of an older or less able person than yourself
✧ It is looked upon highly and encouraged to offer to show a lady to her seat, and accompany her
✧ It is very embarrassing for any lady to receive no invitation for dance throughout the evening

There is are specifics to a good dance.
✧ A lady's permission must be granted before the dance
✧ It is frowned upon for a lady to ask a gentleman to dance
✧ The Royal Family shall be the first to lead the guests in the first dance
✧ A lady's husband, father, or in the last case, mother must grant permission to each gentleman that wishes their lady to dance
✧ Dance partners should be friends, family or of the same social status
✧ Interrupting a dance between two guests is seen to be very rude
✧ A lady refusing to dance with a gentleman without given reason is very impolite and rude

An Usher:
An usher is a high class servant that shows nobles their seats, and have special permissions.
✧ The Usher announces Nobles as they arrive
✧ An Usher is usually chosen or approved by the hostess
✧ These employees are commonly high-ranked servants
✧ The Usher has the right to introduce anyone to anyone - the usher may be asked to introduce two people
✧ Although a servant, the usher is a high ranking one, and may talk to any lady if said lady is left alone and without a partner for dance

A Woman's Reputation:
A woman's reputation is everything. A woman with a bad reputation is a bad wife.
These things listed below may affect a lady's reputation.
✧ Holding hands or accepting kisses from anyone not related by blood or marriage
✧ Talking to those who have known to have inherited a bad reputation
✧ Having much of her skin showing
✧ Upon coming to meet a higher or equal guest of social standing, a lady must bow or curtsy
✧ Upon coming in meeting with a King or Queen, a lady must kneel
✧ Accepting gifts from lovers in public is deemed greedy
✧ A widowed woman, especially with children, are deemed even less suitable as a wife
✧ Beauty and Posture - A woman who holds her head straight, does not run, and is physically attractive will have higher status, and hold better reputation
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Lord of Altera
The Noble's Ball is now being ICly and OOCly hosted by the de Courtnay family. I'm not sure what exactly will change just yet, but I'm glad to be able to continue this event c:


Lord of Altera
Character Name: King Peter I
Nobility: King
Plus 1: Queen Elaine I, whatever guards I choose. (Not sure who'll be on to guard on the fifth.)
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
House Payne.

All nobles from the NK are invited. If your noble character isn't recognised by most as a noble, or doesn't have any land or a title, then unforunately they won't receive an invitation. However, you're welcome to RP with anyone from the de Courtnay family if you'd like to make other arrangements.

The first post is what would be ICly written in the letter. The second post's information would be included too.​


Lord of Altera
≡ ۞ Invite List ۞ ≡

≡ ۞ Guest List ۞ ≡

All nobles that are recognised by de Courtnay are listed above. If your character isn't there, we encourage you to come RP with either Paint, Cukie1, Tomato150 or Landem. If your character can prove that they are nobility then they are welcome to join the event.
The first two posts are included in the invitation.
We've updated the way that people are invited to make it a little more immersive. We don't mean to kick anybody out- please come RP if you're not included on the list!
We'll put up the list soon c:


Lord of Altera
House Beledrent, recognized by their loyalty to the Zima'Maloj family and their Piety to the one true creators, the Feesh...

In all seriousness, I'd be happy to have Lucie on guard duty OR Dasyra on chef detail next time around...I don't think I can handle dual rp of a ball again. If necessary...Azure or Nireth could probably get Roy to be a server, though he'd be pretty quiet most of the time due to not trusting himself to open his mouth and argue with nobles 99% of the time XD

He could also work entertainment, but I don't think people would like throwing knife demonstrations...especially when it's the whole "Lemme outline your body with my knives, don't worry, they won't hit, they'll just barely miss!"


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
I did once rp with Tom and I own what used to be La Marche Do’r, so sure they know me right? Maybe~? Please I like dancing and stuff ;-;


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Would Dunasten be invited? (That's the Dwarves n stuff)
On the List.

I did once rp with Tom and I own what used to be La Marche Do’r, so sure they know me right? Maybe~? Please I like dancing and stuff ;-;
Also on the list ~

Edit: To clear things up, the list is a start of confirmed noblity that was invited, however, if your character is not on the list you can comment below, write a letter, or come RP with one of the de Courtnays.


I really wanna be a part of this event but it seems that I can't come whenever it is! We'll have to see if I can make it this time!


Lord of Altera
Recognizing us rich people or do I need to make my way in via alternate options...